Progetto:Musica/Heavy metal/Gruppi musicali
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Qui di seguito trovate una serie di voci su "band musicali" che non sono state ancora scritte. Vi preghiamo di non riempire eccessivamente l'area e di spostare le voci completate nell'area "cose fatte". Buon lavoro a tutti.
Indice |
[modifica] 0-9
[modifica] A
- Abandoned
- Abattoir (USA)
- Act of Gods
- Ad Inferna
- Ad Vitam Aeternam
- Adamanter
- Adaro
- Addiction Crew
- Admiron
- Adrenaline Overdose
- Aeternus
- Against it All
- Agatha
- Agathodaimon
- Age of Fury
- Age of Nemesis
- Agents of Man
- Agressor
- Airged L'Amh
- Alien Blankk
- All Souls' Day
- Allhelluja
- Aloop
- Altaria
- Altered Aeon
- Ambition
- Ancient Ceremony
- Angel Blake
- Angel Crew
- Angel Dust
- Anger
- Anstalt
- Anubis Gate
- Aphasia
- Apiary
- Apostasy
- Arachnes
- Arch Nemesis
- Archetype
- Artch
- Arthemis
- As Hope Dies
- As We Fight
- Assailant
- Astral Doors
- Atargatis
- Ataris
- Atomic Ants
- Atomic Bitchwax
- Atrox
- Attention Deficit
- Auberon
- Autonomy
- Autunna Et Sa Rose
- Avian
- Awacks
- Aydra
[modifica] B
- Backdraft
- Bad Moon Rising
- Bal Sagoth
- Ballistic
- Bal-Sagoth
- Baltimoore
- Bang Tango
- Barathrum
- Barilari
- Battered
- Battlelore
- Battleroar
- Beautiful Sin
- Beatallica
- Beecher
- Beherit
- Beholder
- Belef
- Benediction
- Benedictum
- Bereaved
- Berzerker
- Beseech
- Bestial Mockery
- Betzefer
- Bewitched
- Beyond Fear
- Beyond Twilight
- Biomechanical
- Bionic
- Biss
- Black AByss
- Black Eye Riot
- Black League
- Black Moses
- Black 'n' Blue
- Black Nasa
- Black Rose
- Black Witchery
- Blackshine
- Blasphemy
- Bleed the Sky
- Blezqi Zatsaz
- Blind Dog
- Blood Has Been Shed
- Blood Bath
- Bloodflowerz
- Bloodlet
- Bloodline
- Bloodshot
- Bloodthorn
- Bludgeon
- Blue Tears
- Blut Aus Nord
- Bodies in the Gears of the Apparatus
- Bongzilla
- Born From Pain
- Brainstorm
- Brand New Sin
- Breach
- Breath of Life
- Brides of Destruction
- Broken Hope
- Bronx Casket Co.
- Bullet
- Bullet for my Valentine
- Bullethole
- Burial Place
- Buried Alive
- Buried Inside
- Burning Heads
- Burst
[modifica] C
- Cadaver
- Cadaver InC.
- Cage
- Canaan
- Candiria
- Capharnaum
- Carburetors
- Carnal Forge
- Carnival in Coal
- Carptree
- Carrier Flux
- Casus Belli
- Cataract
- Cathedral
- Catlong
- Cemetary
- Centinex
- Centurion
- Century
- Chaosbreed
- Charade
- Charon
- Chasm
- Chastain
- Christ Agony
- Circle II Cicle
- Cirith Gorgor
- Cky
- Classic Struggle
- Clawfinger
- Clouds Cape
- Clutch
- Cobalt 60
- Code of Perfection
- Commit Suicide
- Communic
- Company of Snakes
- Confessor
- Cornerstone
- Corporal Punishment
- Corporation 187
- Creozoth
- Crest of Darkness
- Cretin
- Criminal
- Crimson Midwinter
- Crimsonfire
- Crionics
- Cronian
- Cronos Titan
- Crown
- Crowpath
- Crystal Ball
- Crystal Age
- Custard
- Cybele
- Cyber Axis
[modifica] D
- D.A.D.
- Dagoba
- Dam
- Dammercide
- Dare
- Dark at Dawn
- Dark Avenger
- Dark Fortress
- Dark Horizon
- Dark Nova
- Dark Territory
- Darkane
- Darkseed
- Darkwoods my Betrothed
- Das Ich
- Das Scheit
- Dawn of Dreams
- Dawn of Relic
- Dawn Rider
- Dead Beginners
- Dead Sheriff
- Dead to Fall
- Deadsoul Tribe
- Deafening Silence
- Death Before Disco
- Death by Stereo
- Death or Glory
- Deathstars
- Deathwitch
- December
- December Moon
- December Wolves
- Decomposed
- Decoryah
- Defecation
- Defleshed
- Delerium
- Delirious
- Dellamorte
- Delusion
- Dementor
- Demigod
- Demiricous
- Demon
- Demoniac
- Demonized
- Demonoid
- Deranged
- Desaster
- Descend
- Desdemona
- Despised Icon
- Destiny's End
- Desultory
- Deviant
- Devilinside
- Devils Whorehouse
- Dezperadoz
- Diabolic
- Diamond Rexx
- Diamonddog
- Diecast
- Dimension Zero
- Dir En Grey
- Dirty Tricks
- Disbelief
- Disembowelment
- Disfear
- Disillusion
- Disiplin
- Distant Thunder
- Distrust
- Distruzione
- Divercia
- Divine Decay
- Divine Empire
- Divine Sin
- Doctor Butcher
- Dodheimsgard
- Dol Ammad
- Doomfoxx
- Dornenreich
- Double Dealer
- Downthesun
- Dragonland
- Dragonlord
- Dream Child
- Dream Evil
- Dream Warriors
- Dreams of Sanity
- Dreamscape
- Dreamtale
- Driller Killer
- Dry Kill Logic
- Duskfall
- Dyecrest
- Dynamic Lights
- Dyve
[modifica] E
- Earthtone 9
- Edge of Forever
- Eibon
- Eidolon
- Eisblut
- Eisheilig
- Ektomorf
- Elane
- Electric Boys
- Electric Evil
- Elegacy
- Elsesphere
- Elvira Madigan
- Elwing
- Elysian Fields
- Elysium
- Embrace the End
- Embraced
- Emerald Rain
- Emery
- Empire
- Enchant
- End of Green
- Enforsaken
- Engine
- Enshadowed
- Ensoph
- Enter my Silence
- Enuff Z'Nuff
- Eternal Elysium
- Eternal Oath
- Eternal Reign
- Eterne
- Eucharist
- Event Horizon
- EvenVast
- Everfest
- Every Time I Die
- Evidence One
- Evil Masquerade
- Evil´s Toy
- Evildead
- Evildoer
- Ewigkeit
- Ex Mortem
- Exhibition
- Exhumed
- Experience
- Eyefear
- Eyes of Fire
[modifica] F
- Face Down
- Factory of Art
- Failed Humanity
- Faith
- Fake Moss
- Falkenbach
- Falkirk
- Fall Ov Serafim
- Farmakon
- Fate
- Feinstein
- Figure of Six
- Final Dawn
- Final Frontier
- Finnugor
- Fireball Ministry
- Firebird
- Fish
- Flagship
- Flaw
- Flesh Made Sin
- Fleshcrawl
- Fleshgrind
- Fleurety
- Flower Kings
- For my Pain
- Force of Evil
- Forefather
- Forest Stream
- Forlorn
- Forsaken
- Forty Deuce
- Fragments of Unbecoming
- Frantic Bleep
- Frequency
- Frontline
- Frontside
- Frost
- Frozen Fears
- Funeral for a Friend
- Furia
[modifica] G
- Gae Bolt
- Gang Green
- Gates of Ishtar
- Gehenna
- Gemini Five
- Generated X-ed
- Generous Maria
- Genocide Superstars
- Ghamorean
- Gizmachi
- Glittertind
- Glory
- Gluecifer
- Goatsblood
- Goatsnake
- God Among Insects
- God Dethroned
- Godiva
- Gods Die Later
- Goldlog
- Goliath
- Gomorrah
- Gorerotted
- Gorilla Monsoon
- Gory Blister
- Gothic Knights
- Gothminister
- Grand Magus
- Grand Slam
- Grave
- Great White
- Green
- Greenhouze
- Grievance
- Grimfist
- Guardians of Time
- Gun
- Gun Barrel
- Gutter Phenomenon
- Guttural
- Gwar
[modifica] H
- Hell-Born
- Hellfueled
- Helltrain
- Helrunar
- Helstar
- Hemdale
- Hemlock
- Hevein
- High on Fire
- Highland Glory
- Holy Moses
- Holy Mother
- Holy Terror
- Honeymoon Suite
- Hopesfall
- Horricane
- Horrified
- Hortus Anime
- Houwister
- Human Factor
- Human Fortress
- Human Remains
- Hundred Reasons
- Hurt Process
- Hurtlocker
- Hyades
- Hypnosis
[modifica] I
- Icycore
- If Hope Dies
- Ignite
- Ihsahn
- Illdisposed
- Illuminate
- Imaginery
- Impaled
- Imperial
- Impious
- In Battle
- Inactive Messiah
- Incantation
- Incapacity
- Infernal
- Infernal Majesty
- Inferno (gruppo musicale)
- Infestation
- Infliction
- Inhume
- Inner Shrine
- Inner Wish
- In-Quest
- Insision
- Integrity
- Into Eternity
- Into the Moat
- Invictus (gruppo musicale)
- Invocator
- Ion Dissonance
- Ion Vein
- Iridio (gruppo musicale)
- Iron Fire
- Iron Mask
- Iron Monkey
- Iron Savior
- Ironware
- Isengard (gruppo musicale)
- It Dies Today
- Ivanhoe (gruppo musicale)
- Ivory Moon
- Ivory Tower
[modifica] J
[modifica] K
- Killersqueze
[modifica] L
[modifica] M
- Mandragora Scream
- Mizar
- Morbid Insultor
[modifica] N
[modifica] O
[modifica] P
[modifica] Q
[modifica] R
- Razorwhite
[modifica] S
- Samhain
- Synthphonia Suprema