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Source: en:Image:Renault RS10.jpg
Renault RS 10 in the pits at Monaco GP 1979.
I (en:User:Ericd) took this picture myself in Monaco (1979 Grand Prix) with a Minolta XD-7 and a Rokkor 50mm f/1.7 lens on Ektachrome 200. The picture has been scanned from film.
You don't need my permission to reuse it, but don't claim that you took the photo yourself.
Notice that this car can also be a RS11 or a RS12. At that time Renault used a different number for each car. RS10 type cars where in fact RS10 for the first car built, RS11 for the second, RS12 for the third. I'm not sure if more than three cars were built.
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