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[edit] Summary
Nándorfehérvár ostroma – 1456 (Török miniatúra az isztambuli Topkapi Szeráj Múzeumban) – scanned by user:Csanády
From en:Image:Siege of Belgrade, 1584 topkapi.jpg:
- Painting finished in 1584 by the famous Turkish miniaturists Mohammed bey. Turkish attack, lead by sultan Mehmed the Conqueror (in the center of the painting, with white turban), the bombing of the city by cannons, European army on the walls, calmly expecting invasion troupes, and, at the end - organized withdrawal of the Turkish army (the lower right corner). In the river Sava (and on the ground) are depicted numerous corps; in the river (middle of the right part) a bow of a Hungarian army boat can be seen. During the siege, all necessities and food were transported into the city by boats, which was the main reason of Turkish unsuccessfulness.
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