Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.
- D N ZENO P-ERP F AVG, pearl-diademed, helmeted, and cuirassed bust facing slightly right, holding spear over shoulder in right hand and shield decorated with horseman motif on left arm
- VICTOR-I-A AVGGG, Victory standing left, holding long cross; star in right field; •A•//•CONOB•.
COI pg. 11; Lacam Classe II, 2; MEC 1, -; cf. RIC X 3657 (Zeno).
Coin from CNG coins, through Wildwinds.
Credit the source as "CNG coins (http://www.cngcoins.com)".
The permission for use of this work has been archived in the Wikimedia OTRS system. Please contact a person with an account on the system to confirm the permission. Link to permission (OTRS account required).
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