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[modifica] traduzione di Evo Morales
[modifica] Abbigliamento
Dopo che Morales, durante il suo viaggio diplomatico, si fece fotografare con indosso un maglione a righe, si destò molto interesse sul suo stile di abbigliamento, al punto che si mormorò che avrebbe indossato lo stesso indumento nella cerimonia di ufficiale di insediamento, dove invece venne vestito con una camicia bianca e senza cravatta (cosa mai vista nella America Latina moderna per un Capo di Stato il giorno del proprio insediamento) e una giacchetta nera che non faceva parte dell'abbigliamento convenzionale. Il maglione (un
Having aroused much interest in his choice of dress after being pictured in his striped sweater with world leaders during his world tour, there was speculation that he would wear it to the official inauguration, where he actually dressed in a white shirt without tie (itself unheard of in Latin America in modern times for a head of state at their own inauguration) and a black jacket that was not a part of a conventional suit. The sweater (actually an alpaca-wool chompa, a garment considered seemly among indigenous Bolivians and the source of the English word jumper) has since become a symbol of him and is selling all across Bolivia. The popularity and recognition of the sweater has led many to speculate and philosophize over its significance, inspiring some to call it a protest “metaphorically knit of [Bolivia’s] basic unsatisfied needs”, with others comparing it to “the uniform of les sans culottes of the French Revolution.” However, it has also been subject to ridicule and reportedly left various “members of Spanish press and society appalled” after Morales appeared in the sweater with King Juan Carlos. [1] [2]