Jórunn skáldmær
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Jórunn skáldmær ("poet-maiden") was a Norwegian skald active in the first half of the 10th century. Only three stanzas and two half-stanzas of her Sendibítr ("Biting message") were preserved, mostly in Snorri Sturluson's works [1]. The Sendibítr, which deals with a conflict between Harald Fairhair and his son Halfdan the Black, is the longest recorded skaldic poem composed by a woman[2].
[edit] Notes
- ^ Haralds saga hárfagra, Óláfs saga helga in sérstaka, Skáldskaparmál.
- ^ Borovsky, Zoe. 1999. "Never in public: Women and performance in Old Norse Literature". Journal of American Folklore. 112 (443): 6-39.