User talk:Jad114
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Hi, are you Jamal Dajani? (If not then you may choose to just ignore this post.)
If yes, then I'd like to draw your attention to some background info regarding that "53 percent of [US] Americans opposed to the launch of the [Al Jazeera English] channel" figure you've been quoting. Specifically, I'd like to invite you to look at this edit and the links added there. If you look at the linked PDF file, not only was the question that was asked in the poll potentially charged, but it also turns out that the not quite neutral Accuracy in Media (whose name I consider Orwellian) had apparently commissioned the polling company to help it figure out the odds of stirring up the US public against Al Jazeera English. Also, considered the "undecideds" to belong in the "against Al Jazeera" column. Does this discredit the figures from the poll? Not necessarily, but it's not clear to me who did this survey. Was it "the polling company" or another company? What was the rest of the survey about? etc. etc. In any event, I think in the absence of more detailed contextual information it's probably not professional to quote this apparently quite partisan report without noting on its origins. 02:43, 25 February 2007 (UTC)