From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I started my love of Art when I was nine. It was a long cold winter and my father had given me some paint. I painted and drew all winter. After that, I begin designing ads and signs for our tent revivals. From there, I got my first computer in the 80s, and designed newsletters and ads. A year before I became disabled I begin learning web design and Html coding, Along with building my own computer. After being disabled in the winter of 2000, I started my own Web Design company. I designed a website for my local Chamber of Commerce. While designing websites I began looking for graphics to use on the websites. I was looking but could not find what I was looking for. I found, PSP (Paint Shop Pro), a great graphic program, so I just learned to make my own graphics. So that's pretty much how my days are spent.
You can read more about me and see some of my art work @ TY for reading this hope to meet you soon James G