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- Born: 1/15/1971 in Manchester NH
- Profession: Hair Stylist
- Interests: The Baha'i Faith, T'ai Chi Ch'uan, Skiing, Disc Golf
[edit] GOALS
To Teach the Faith, Live the Life, and stay Firm in the Covenant!
I've spent my life seeking the highest level of whatever has interested me. I've been skiing since chilhood still striving for the next perfect day. I've played disc golf everyday possible since 1995. I continue to strive for the perfect game, an ace, or at the very least a new personal best everytime I play.
After finishing with the formal education of hair school I delayed entering directly into the trade in order to apprentice with a true master of the craft. I spent many months just watching before taking my first client. I spent my first three years in the trade attending advanced training classess two weekends per month. I've only ever worked in the best salons in the towns I've lived in. Soar with the eagles, I always say.
I'm a senior student in the Master Tung Kai Ying T'ai Chi Ch'uan Academy with six years of instructing under my belt. In 1993 I learned of Master Tung and the rigorous training his school offered. This was martial arts training at it's highest level. I quickly abandoned all my other martial arts to began my training as a beginner. Master Tung Kai Ying is the Grand Master in the 600 year old lineage of the Art. I'm honored for my place in the Academy, and for the unique opportunity to train at the highest level the art has to offer.
I found the Baha'i Faith quite by accident. I had completely abandoned all religions for a spiritual life of my own design. After attending a free public talk on "The Purpose of Life" I considered myself a Baha'i immediately. The words of the speaker spoke directly to my heart and soul. This began my most fullfilling journey to date. More to come after more meditation.