Jerry Edward Cornelius
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Jerry Edward Cornelius is a noted occult artist, lecturer and writer. He was born in New Haven, Connecticut in July of 1951. Most of his writing interests center around mysticism, the occult and Aleister Crowley.
In the mid-seventies he began corresponding with Grady Louis McMurtry (1918-1985), or Frater Hymenaeus Alpha 777. Grady was a student of Aleister Crowley whom he personally knew. Cornelius joined Crowley’s Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) in 1977. He was chartered to run The Frater Achad Chapter of the OTO in Connecticut. Later he was made Lodge Master of Brocken Mountain Lodge OTO where he was involved in founding Brocken Publications which existed for over six years and distributed Crowleyanity world wide. He also published the Lodge newsletter, Hellspawned, A Newsletter of Brocken Spectres.
In 1986 he was chartered to run a Rose Croix Chapter of OTO. He remained in charge of these three bodies for well over ten years which is one of the longest terms of leadership for a single person in OTO history. In late August of 1989 he moved to Berkeley California, where he now resides. In 1991 he became the sixth Lodge Master of the oldest continually operating Lodge in the world, Thelema Lodge, which was actually founded by Grady McMurtry in 1977. He held this position between 1991-1993. He was also placed in charge of the Neb-Het Chapter of the Rose Croix in the Bay Area. After retiring from these positions, he worked closely with Pangenetor Lodge, whose Lodge Master, Marlene Cornelius, is his ex-wife. They both wrote, published and distributed Crowleyanity worldwide under the name Pangenetor Publications. Cornelius also published a multitude of articles in numerous publications, along with many pamphlets over the last thirty years. Some of my most notable articles are:
"Did Aleister Crowley Know the Identity of Jack the Ripper?", "Myths of the Solar Lodge Revisited", "Aleister Crowley in Novels", "Crowley's I-Ching Sticks", "Poetical Flavours of the Beast" and "The Warrior Troubadour."
In 1993 he began formulating plans for a larger formatted publication titled Red Flame, A Thelemic Research Journal. Each issue is a limited edition between 300-500 copies, 200 pages plus, centering on a single topic. He released the first issue, The Poetry of Grady Louis McMurtry (1993), to rave reviews worldwide. Since releasing that issue he has written, printed and sold thirteen other issues. Red Flame closed its doors in 2006.
J. Edward Cornelius also released a book out of Feral House in 2005 titled Aleister Crowley and the Ouija Board.