From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
[edit] Myself as a Human
I would like to start off by saying that I have an opinion. *Gasp!* I believe that certain things are better, or worse, or right, or wrong. I have opinions about music and politics and games and (*double gasp*) religion.
However, I do not think that everyone should have to have the same views as me. I try to be as open minded as I can. Just because I believe something is absolutely right, does not necessarily mean it is absolutely right, although I believe it is, possibly absolutely, and will argue as such. I can have my opinions and still tolerate those whose opinions differ. The same should go for you. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. So stick with yours.
And I love arguing. I don't mean to insult people, but if someone corrects me, or someone else, I loving arguing my point to them. If I tell you something you don't like, please don't take offense at it. I do not mean harm to anyone by disagreeing. I just think it's fun, and it's interesting hearing how other people see things. I like hearing the arguments of others as much as I like stating my own. Sometimes I will argue oposite of what I believe, because it's interesting, and it keeps me from being following blindly. So fight back. I am not easily offended myself.
I will stick to NPOV anywhere outside of private pages like this one (Wait, what do I mean, "private"? This is the internet. You get the picture, though.), because it's only proper that an encyclopedia stay neutral. Encyclopedic information is supposed to be informative. All opinions should be represented, but they should be stated simply as opinions, and only after the facts have been shown.
I also love hearing random facts. If you have them, I want to hear them.
Eventually, I'll probably post some of my opinions, but for now, I'll just let you know they exist. Too tired to go any further tonight.
Oh, yes. And I spell things the American way. It's too much effort to put in the extra U's, and gray just looks better spelled this way. But I'm biased.
[edit] Myself as a Wikipedian
I don't really do a lot around here yet. Generally I look stuff up more than I edit. This page doesn't have much of a purpose since I don't have time to make it all nifty looking, but I guess you know I exist, now.
I hope to eventually be of some use, since I tend to gather useless information, but I just don't have the time. I'm still kind of learning the ropes anyways.
Let me know if there's anything I can do to help out.
[edit] Userboxes and such
I'm a mitten!
(I <3 userboxes.)
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This user knows that 0.999... is exactly 1. |
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This user is greater than the sum of his or her userboxes. |
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This user knows that 42 is the answer to life, the Universe, and everything. |
Sta |
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This user feels that the SNES or Super Famicom was the last great console. |
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This user still plays games on the NES. |
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This user plays games on a graphing calculator. |
cvg-2 | This user is an intermediate gamer. |
Cards | This user enjoys playing spoons. |
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This user is attacking you with all three dice. |
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CSI | This user follows the evidence. |
ALIAS | This user used to change their hair color every day. |
LOST | 4…8…15…16…23…42…
This user is LOST…
NUMB3RS | "We all use math every day." |
Star Wars |
This user supports the Rebel Alliance. |
This user is interested in ancient civilizations. |
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This user realizes that the Earth isn't an oblate spheroid, but rather a close approximation of one. |
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This user is of Lithuanian ancestry. |
US | This user uses American English. |
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This user's favorite color is blue. |
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This user's favorite roller coaster is The Timber Hawk, which this user has ridden 4 time(s). |
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Secondhand smoke is one of this user's pet peeves. |
… | This user is addicted to ellipses and has been known to use them indiscriminately…. |
they | This user considers singular they standard English usage. |
’s | Thi's user know's that not every word that end's with s need's an apostrophe and will remove misused apostrophe's from Wikipedia with extreme prejudice. [sic] |
1, 2, 3... | This userbox is a test. Please tell this user if you don't see it. |
— |
This user is a member of the Association of Inclusionist Wikipedians. |
WPC | This user will get around to being a member of the Wikipedian Procrastination Club |
Categories: User en | User en-N | User es | User es-1 | User en-me | User en-me-2 | Wikipedians who read A Song of Ice and Fire | Wikipedians who play video games | Wikipedians who play spoons | Wikipedians who like CSI | Wikipedians who like Alias | Wikipedians who like Lost | Wikipedians interested in astronomy | Wikipedians interested in ancient history | Wikipedians of multiple ancestries | Wikipedians in the AWWDMBJAWGCAWAIFDSPBATDMTD | Inclusionist Wikipedians