The Dresden Files |
Storm Front | Fool Moon | Grave Peril | Summer Knight | Death Masks | Blood Rites | Dead Beat | Proven Guilty | White Night |
The Codex Alera: |
Furies of Calderon | Academ's Fury | Cursor's Fury | Captain's Fury | |
The Dresden Files Major Characters |
Harry Dresden | Karrin Murphy | Bob | Thomas Raith |
The Dresden Files Minor Characters |
Detective Ron Carmichael | Gentleman Johnny Marcone | Mister | Toot-Toot | Warden Donald Morgan | MacAnally | Susan Rodriguez | Madam Bianca St-Clair | Billy and the Alphas | Michael and Charity Carpenter | The Merlin | Detective-Sergeant John Stallings | Father Forthill | Justine | Mavra | The Archive | Kincaid | Captain Carlos Ramirez | Mouse | Lord Raith | Lara Raith | Madrigal Raith | Margaret (Molly) Katherine Amanda Carpenter | The Jawas: Daniel, Alicia (Leech), Matthew, Amanda, Hope (Hobbit), and Harry Carpenter | Malcolm Dresden | Margaret (Maggie) Gwendolyn LeFay Dresden | |
Organizations of The Dresden Files |
The White Council | The Red Court | The White Court | The Black Court | The Jade Court | The Summer Court | The Winter Court | The Wyldfae | The Knights of the Cross | The Fellowship of St. Giles | |
The Codex Alera Major Characters |
Tavi | Isana | Bernard | Amara | Fade | Doroga | Kitai | First Lord Gaius Sextus | |
The Codex Alera Minor Characters |
Antillar Maximus | Fidelias | Odiana | Aldrick ex Gladius | Princeps Gaius Septimus | Alia | Hashat | Invidia Aquitaine | |
Organizations in the Codex Alera |
Gargant Clan | Horse Clan | Herdbane Clan | Wolf Clan |The Dianic League | The First Aleran/Battlecrows | |