Johan Michiel Dautzenberg
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Johan Michiel Dautzenberg (Heerlen, 6 December 1808-Elsene, 4 February 1869) was a Belgian writer. Professionaly he was successively secretary, clerk, teacher, private teacher, and bookkeeper.
He wrote poems on nature, songs, novels, poems concerning the Flemish movement. According to August Vermeylen, he was the first consciously Flemish writer. With his "Beknopte prosodie der Nederduitsche taal (E: Concise prosody of the Dutch language), he tried to convince his fellow poets to return to the classical metrics of poetry. His work shows a strong German literary influence, and he translated Loverkens of Hoffmann von Fallersleben.
He translated the Odes of Horatius, which were published in 1923. In 1850, he published a collection of poems. In 1857, he founded the illustrated magazine "De Toekomst" (E: The Future), a magazine for teachers. A collection of his poems was published in 1869, after his death, by his son-in-law Frans de Cort as Verspreide en nagelaten gedichten'.
[edit] Bibliography
- Gedichten (1850)
- Loverkens (1852)
- Beknopte prosodie der Nederduitsche taal (1859)
- De doop (1867)
- De moriljen (1867)
- Verspreide en nagelaten gedichten (1869)
- Oden (1923)
[edit] See also
[edit] Source
- Johan Michiel Dautzenberg
- Johan Michiel Dautzenberg
- T. Verschaffel, Belg door inborst, door neigingen, door zeden, Handel. Kon. Zuid-Ned. Mij voor Taal- en Letterkunde 54 (2000), p. 335-355.