Johann Adam Steinmetz
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Johann Adam Steinmetz (September 24, 1689 in Großkniegnitz; † July 10, 1762 in Prester) was Lutheran theologian, Pietist, educationalist and one of the most significant revivalists in 18th century Europe.
After studies he worked as a pastor in Töppliwoda and later (1720-1730) he served to the congregation in Teschen. “Jesus Church” in Teschen was of unique importance – it was visited by crowds from the Upper Silesia and by many secret Protestants from Moravia; services were held in Polish, German and Czech. Many Moravian Brethren visited Steinmetz and he mentored and counseled them, thus preparing the revival among them. Steinmetz’s role in the process of renewal of Moravian Church is praised in Zinzendorf’s Memoirs and he is considered to be the leader of revival in Moravia in an inscription in Deaths Register of Bethlehem. Pastor Steinmetz was a patron of a brilliant Lutheran school in Teschen. Due to his versatile service in pietistic spirit Steinmetz was hated by Catholic clergy and Emperor Charles VI finally expelled him from all Habsburg lands in 1730. He went to Neustadt an der Aisch and later to Magdeburg Area, where he led excellent school in former monastery Berga. He was in touch with Wesley and American revivalists. He translated works of Jonathan Edwards and Philip Doddridge into German.