John Wesley McCormick
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John Wesley McCormick, Sr. was a 19th Century homesteader in Indiana. McCormick's Creek State Park, near Bloomington Indiana, is named after him.
"It wasn't until 1816 that the first settler laid claim to the area, when John McCormick homesteaded nearly one hundred acres along the canyon by the waterfalls. In those days it was common practice to name physical landmarks after the people who owned them, and thus McCormick's Creek received its name." (from McCormick's Creek State Park)
John Wesley McCormick,Sr was born on 30 Aug 1754 in near Winchester, Virginia and died on 18 Apr 1837 in Connersville, Indiana . He was the son of Thomas McCormick. His sons John and James move on to Indianapolis where they became the first settlers.
"John McCormick came from Hamilton, Ohio with his two brothers and their families. They became the first European settlers of Indianapolis. John McCormick and his brother built a log cabin on the east bank of the White River in 1820. He lived there with his wife and eight children. Mr. McCormick was one of the first three county commissioners of Marion County. It was in his home that Indianapolis was chosen as Indiana's state capital." (Early Reminisciences of Indianapolis by John H. B. Nowland Indianapolis - 1870)