Joy Dawson
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Joy Dawson is an American missionary and intercessor who has been teaching the Bible internationally since 1970. Her missionary work has taken her to over 55 nations. She has taught extensively on television and radio, and her books, audio and video tapes have been translated and distributed worldwide. She currently resides in Tujunga, California.[1]
Some of her teaching can be downloaded from the YWAM Podcast site at
[edit] Bibliography
- Intimate Friendship With God (1986)
- How to Pray for Someone Near You Who is Away from God (1990)
- Some of the Ways of God in Healing (1991)
- Intercession: Thrilling, Fulfilling (1997)
- Forever Ruined For The Ordinary - The Adventure Of Hearing And Obeying The Voice Of God (2001)
- Knowing God (2001)
- Influencing Children to Become World Changers (2003)
- Un Ministerio Emocionante y Pleno (2004)
- The Fire of God: Discovering Its Many Life Changing Purposes (2005)
- In the Millennium...there Will Be...chocolate And Jelly Beans (2005)