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Junction11 is the student radio station at the University of Reading, it began broadcasting in 1998 from the Bulmershe Campus; the station transferred to the Whiteknights Campus in 2002 and still broadcasts from there.
The station broadcasts on 1287 kHz AM and, since June 2003, online at 1287am.com; it is named after the local M4 Junction, although the station was initially called simply J11.
In February 2006, the station launched its improved Sustainer Service, Jukebox Junction, allowing listeners to request songs via SMS text message during DJ-less periods of broadcast (such as overnight and during University vacations.)
In 2005 it was announced that the station would have a new home in a planned extension to the main student union building. For the academic year 2006/7, it will take up temporary residence in disused union offices.
[edit] Broadcast Hours
Junction 11 is currently involved in a dispute with RUSU (Reading University Student Union), in which RUSU wishes to limit broadcast hours to 9am-6pm, weekdays only. The removal of evenings and weekends from the schedule would see the end of what Junction 11 calls its 'specialist shows'. As a result it is expected that the number of students participating in its broadcast will drop from the current 110 to around 80.
[edit] Station Staff
The station is run by a group of volunteer students, any of which can choose to accredit their volunteer status on their degree certification. As of October 2006, the current Junction11 exec consists of:
- Chris Hinton - Station Manager
- Sam Read - Head of News
- Stuart Dalmedo - Head of Production
- Kayleigh Watson - Head of Music
- Harry Wood - Assistant Head of Music
- Will Ottewell - Head of Technology
- Tim Joyce - Head of RoughCuts (Junction11's live music night in the students' union)
- Matt Robinson - Head of Training
- Louise Morris - Secretary