出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』
マイケル・コックス(Michael Cox, 1947年-)は、イギリスの国際政治学者。専門は、冷戦史、アメリカ外交。
目次 |
[編集] 著書
[編集] 単著
- US Foreign Policy after the Cold War: Superpower without a Mission?, (Pinter, 1995).
- America at War, (Blackwell, 2005).
[編集] 編著
- Beyond the Cold War: Superpowers at the Crossroads?, (University Press of America, 1990).
- Rethinking the Soviet Collapse: Sovietology, the Death of Communism and the New Russia, (Pinter, 1998).
- E. H. Carr: A Critical Appraisal, (Palgrave, 2000).
- Twentieth Century International Relations, (Sage, 2006).
[編集] 共編著
- The Eighty Years' Crisis: International Relations 1919-1999, co-edited withTim Dunne and Ken Booth, (Cambridge University Press, 1998).
- The Interregnum: Controversies in World Politics 1989-1999, co-edited with Ken Booth and Tim Dunne, (Cambridge University Press, 1999).
- A Farewell to Arms?: From 'Long War' to Long Peace in Northern Ireland, co-edited with Adrian Guelke and Fiona Stephen, (Manchester University Press, 2000).
- American Democracy Promotion: Impulses, Strategies, and Impacts, co-edited with G. John Ikenberry and Takashi Inoguchi, (Oxford University Press, 2000).(『アメリカによる民主主義の推進――なぜその理念にこだわるのか』ミネルヴァ書房, 2006年)
- Empires, Systems and States: Great Transformations in International Politics, co-edited with Tim Dunne and Ken Booth, (Cambridge University Press, 2001).
- How Might We Live?: Global Ethics in a New Century, co-edited with Ken Booth and Tim Dunne, (Cambridge University Press, 2001).