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マージェリー・アリンガム(Margery Allingham, 1904年5月20日 - 1966年6月30日)は、イギリスの女性推理作家である。本名は、Margery Louise Allingham。別名は マックスウェル・マーチ (Maxwell March) 。
[編集] 著作一覧
[編集] 長編
- The White Cottage Mystery, 1928.
- The Crime at Black Dudley, 1929.(米版:The Black Dudley Murder)
- Mystery Mile, 1930.小林晋訳『ミステリー・マイル』(ROM叢書2、2005年)
- Look to the Lady, 1931(米版:The Gyrth Chalice Mystery)
- Police at the Funeral, 1931.鈴木幸夫訳『手をやく捜査網』(六興出版部)
- Sweet Danger, 1933.(米版:Kingdom of Death. 米改題:The Fear Sign)村崎敏郎訳「水車場の秘密」(『別冊宝石』第68号、1957年)
- Death of a Ghost, 1934. 服部達訳『幽霊の死』(早川書房、1954年)代表作とされることが多い。
- Flowers for the Judge, 1936.(米改題:Legacy in Blood)鈴木幸夫訳『判事への花束』(早川書房、1956年)
- Dancers in Mourning, 1937.(米版:Who Killed Chloe?)
- The Case of the Late Pig, 1937.(後に短編集Mr. Campion: Criminologistに収録)
- The Fashion in Shrouds, 1938.小林晋訳『屍衣の流行』(国書刊行会、2006年)
- Black Plumes, 1940.
- Traitor's Purse, 1951.(米改題:The Sabotage Murder Mystery)中川龍一訳『反逆者の財布』(東京創元社、1962年)
- Coroner's Pidgin, 1945.(米版:Pearls Before Swine)佐々木愛訳『検屍官の領分』(論創社, 2005年)
- More Work for the Undertaker, 1948.
- The Tiger in the Smoke, 1952.山本俊子訳『霧の中の虎』(早川書房、2001年)
- The Beckoning Lady, 1955.(米版:The Estate of the Beckoning Lady)
- Hide My Eyes, 1958.(米版:Tether's End.米改題:Ten Were Missing)佐々木愛訳『殺人者の街角』(論創社、2005年)
- The China Governess, 1962.佐々木愛訳『陶人形の幻影』(論創社、2005年)
- The Mind Readers, 1965.
- Cargo of Eagles, 1968.夫Youngman Carterが遺稿をもとに完成させたもの
(Maxwell March名義の作品)
- Other Man's Danger, 1933.(米版:The Man of Dangerous Secrets)
- Rogues' Holiday, 1935.
- The Shadow in the House, 1936.
(Youngman Carterが書き継いだキャンピオン・シリーズ)
- Mr. Campion's Farthing, 1969.
- Mr. Campionb's Falcon, 1970.(米版:Mr. Campion's Quarry)
[編集] 短編
- Mr. Campion: Criminologist, 1937.
- The Case of the Late Pig
- The Case of the White Elephant
- The Case of the Man with the Sack
- The Border-line Case
- The Case of the Widow
- The Case of the Pro and the Con
- The Case of the Old Man in the Window
- Mr. Campion and Others, 1939(Heinemann版).
Part One: Mr Campion's Case Book
- The Case of the Widow
- The Case of the Name on the Wrapper
- The Case of the Hat Trick
- The Case of the Question Mark
- The Case of the Old Man in the Window
- The Case of the White Elephant
- The Border-line Case
- The Case of the Frenchman's Gloves
- The Case of the Longer View
Part Two: Some Other Mysteries
- It Didn't Work Out
- The Never Get Caught
- Publicity
- The Perfect Butler
- The Mistress in the House
- Wanted: Someone Innocent, 1946.
- Wanted: Someone Innocent
- He Was Asking for You
- The Sexton's Wife
- 'Tis Not Hereafter
- The Case Book of Mr. Campion, 1947.(Ellery Queen編)
- Deadly Duo, 1949.(英題:Take Two at Bedtime)
- Wanted: Someone Innocent
- Last Act
- Mr. Campion and Others, 1950(Penguin版).
- The Widow
- The Name on the Wrapper
- The Hat Trcik
- The Question Mark
- The Old Man in the Window
- The White Elephant
- The Frenchman's Gloves
- The Longer View
- Safe as Houses
- The Definite Article
- The Meaning of the Act
- A Matter of Form
- The Danger Point
- No Love Lost, 1954.
- The Patient at Peacocks Hall
- Safer Than Love
- The Allingham Casebook, 1969.
- Tall Story
- Three Is a Lucky Number
- The Villa Marie Celeste
- The Psychologist
- Little Miss Know-all
- One Morning They'll Hang Him
- The Lieabout
- Face Value
- Evidence in Camera
- Joke Over
- The Lying-in-State
- The Pro and the Con
- Is There a Doctor in the House?
- The Border-line Case
- They Never Get Caught
- The Mind's Eye Mystery
- Mum Knows Best
- The Snapdragon and the C.I.D.
- The Allingham Minibus, 1973.(改題:Mr. Campion's Lucky Day)
- He was Asking After You
- Publicity
- The Perfect Murder
- The Barbarian
- Mr Campion's Lucky Day
- 'Tis Not Hereafter
- The Correspondents
- He Preferred Them Sad
- The Unseen Door
- Bird Thou Never Wert
- The Same to Us
- She Heard It on the Radio
- The Man with the Sack
- The Secret
- A Quarter of a Million
- The Pioneers
- The Sexton's Wife
- The Wink
- The Return of Mr. Campion, 1989.(J. E. Morpurgo編)
- The Case Is Altered
- My Friend Mr Campion
- The Dog Day
- The Wind Glass
- The Beauty King
- The Black Tent
- Sweet and Low
- Once in a Lifetime
- The Kernel of Truth
- Happy Christmas
- The Wisdom of Esdras
- The Curious Affair in Nut Row
- What to Do with an Ageing Detective
- The Daring of the Red Rose, 1995.
- Episode 1
- Episode 2
- Episode 3
- Episode 4: The Lady at the Crossroads
- Episode 5: The Girl on the Fire-Escape
- Episode 6: The Watcher Behind the Curtain
- Episode 7: The Whisper on the Phone
- Episode 8: Her Day of Reckoning
- 上記以外の短編
- On Christmas Day in the Morning村上啓夫訳「クリスマスの朝に」(EQMM30号、1958年)
- A Proper Mystery田中小実昌訳「やはり犯人はいた」(別冊宝石85号、1959年)
- Jubilee for Two
- Word in Season(キャンピオンとアマンダの登場するクリスマス・ストーリー)
- Room to Let(ラジオで放送された戯曲)
- The Studied Insult