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This user strives to maintain a policy of neutrality on controversial issues. |
la-0 |
Hic usor aut nullo pacto aut aegre Latine intellegere potis est. |
fr-0 |
Cet utilisateur ne comprend le français pas sans grande difficulté. |
This user recently discovered how to use userboxes. |
My user name is very close to my real name and is also my AIM handle. If you need to reach me, you can use Google's mail service and just my last name.
I am not, however, the Kevin Cuddeback who owns the Gimme Coffee stores in New York, nor am I the one associated with Cuddeback Digital cameras, although both those fellows must be no more than 10th cousins to me and the former is reputed to brew very fine coffee and the latter makes fine game cameras.
However, since all Cuddebacks in the USA are descended from the same man, we are all related to Leon D. Cuddeback and William H. Cuddeback and the Cuddeback who was a cook on the USS Monitor and the fellow for whom the Cuddeback Dry Lake in the Mojave Desert is named.