Khammam district
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Khammam is a district in Andhra Pradesh. It had a population of 2,578,927 of which 19.81% were urban as of 2001.Its HQ Khammam. The present name of Khammam is said to have been derived from the name of the temple 'Narsimhadri', later 'Stamba Sikhari' and then it was termed as 'Stambadhri'.The vertical rock under the temple is known as 'KAMBA'. The name of the town Khammam seems to have been derived from the name of this hill of Kamba and the district is named as Khammam.
Khammam town which was the seat of Taluk Administration was part of the larger Warangal District, till 1st October, 1953. Five taluks of the Warangal district viz., Khammam, Madhira, Yellandu, Burgampadu and Paloncha (Now Kothagudem) were carved out and a new district KHAMMAM with Khammam as District Headquarters. In 1959 Bhadrachalam Revenue Division consisting Bhadrachalam and Nuguru Venkatapuram Taluks of East Godawari district, which were on the other side of the river Godawari were merged into Khammam on grounds of geographical contiguity and administrative viability.
In 1973 a new taluk with Sathupalli as headquarters was formed carving out from Madhira and Kothagudem taluks. In the year 1976 four new taluks were formed viz., Tirumalayapalem, Sudimalla, Aswaraopeta and Manuguru by bifurcating Khammam, Yellandu, Kothagudem and Burgampadu taluks respectively. In the year 1985, following the introduction of the Mandal system the district has been divided into 46 mandals, in four Revenue Divisions - Khammam, Kothagudem, Paloncha and Bhadrachalam.
The traditions of people have in Khammam district is a conglomeration of mosaic culture representing hindus, muslims and Christians. There are sizable number of scheduled tribes, who constitutes an integral part of hindu community. Among tribes, koyas, lambadas constitute sizable population. The tribal people are still following their own traditions and customs in their social life.
The district, which had a population of 8,12,993 when it was formed, has about 25,62,412 as per 2001 census. The density has grown from 51 to 160 Sq.Km out of the total population, of the district there are 12,99,245 males and 12,66,167 females. Among them there are about 3,60,154 SCs 5,58,958 STs. About 80% of the population is living in villages. The sex ratio is 974 females for every 1000 male population in villages and about 977 females for 1000 males in the urban areas. The child population of the district in the age group of 0-6 years is 3,37,459. Sex ratio in the child population in the age group 0-6, 968 female in rural areas 971 female in urban areas.
The Khammam district has ST population 5,58,958 which is about 13.29% of the total tribal population of the state. Out of the total (46) mandals about (29) mandals are populated by tribals groups like, Koyas, Lambadas and Kondareddis and about (2) mandals are partially populated by tribes.
The meaning of Koya is “a good person living on the hills”. In Dandakaranya forest about 6,00,000 tribes are living. Out of them Koyas constitute about 80%. Koyas are innocent, short statured, lean and rather diffident. They speak koya language. They do not have any property and very little crime among them. They are alcoholics, both men & women. They brew a special flower called Ippa.
It is a strange tribe. They live in thick forest and high mountains. They speak an ancient Telugu, which is full of proverbs. They speak very less and they donot trust palins people. They are good craftsman, who use Bamboo to make variety of baskets.
They are called by different names like Lambadas, Sugalies, Banjaras. They dress in colourful clothes, which are studded with mirrors, beads and other decorative items. Men wear head turbans and they sport thick moustache. The men also tattoo their bodies, apart from wearing a variety of bracelets.
It is the largest tribal populated district in Andhra Pradesh. The river godavari flows for 250 Kms. 8.68 lakhs are agriculture farmers. 48% i.e., 7693 Sq Kms., of land forest area.
During Kharif 2003 with wide spread rains from 2 nd week of June, about 3,28,624 hect. area was covered with Paddy, Maize, Redgram, Greengram, Sesamum, Cotton and Chillies crops against the normal area of 3,25,152 hects. Total rainfall received up to February'04 is 1185.3. m.m. against the normal of 1030.9 m.m.
During Rabi 2003-04, 88,801 hectares was covered out of the normal area of 70,282 hects.
Cropping Pattern During 2004-05
Normal Area Area Covered Normal Area Area Covered 1
Rice 133377 111369 128407 7619
Jowar 2210 1350 14065 12582
Bajra. 340 373 0 0
Maize. 16593 22073 2890 5999
Redgram 23810 29939 664 1588
Greengram 28141 58941 2178 8450
Blackgram 587 1683 5010 16477
Horsegram 0 0 671 1096
Bengalgram 0 0 60 777
Cowpea 156 0 4994 5866
Groundnut 1030 389 6976 7511
Sesamum 8026 9586 991 4562
Castor 0 142 0 0
Sunflower 13 0 526 608
Chillies. 15551 13672 6925 9646
Cotton 84198 76291 0 0
Sugarcane 4565 2836 0 1460
Tobacco 0 0 6052 4560 Total 325162 328624 70282 88801
Crop Condition
The season is favourable for Maize, Pulses, Cotton and Chillies. During the month of December 2003 due to Cyclone and heavy rains about an area of 16,535 ha. Kharif Paddy, Cotton, Redgram, Banana and Rabi Maize and Tobacco crops were affected in the district. For the damaged areas 310 quintals of seed was distributed on 90% subsidy. Crop wise yields recorded during Kharif 2003:
(in Kgs/ha.)
Rice - 3488 Jowar - 1389 Maize - 4222 Redgram - 793 Greengram - 442 GroundNut - 1111 Sesamum - 313 Chillies - 3600 Cotton - 1250
I) Major Projects
Nagarjunasagar Project 91,094
II) Medium Projects
Wyra 6,956
Thaliperu 9,880
Bayyaram 2,880
Bathupally 2,080
Lankasagar 2,940
Mukamamidi 1,304
Pedawagu 6,400
III) Minor Sources
1 Minor Sources 34,336 IV) Bore wells and other sources
Bore wells and other sources 69,517
Schemes Implemented in the District
1) a) Distribution of Seed on 50% subsidy during Kharif 2003:-
Due to severe drought conditions prevailed for the last 2 years, about 2478 quintals of Maize, Jowar, Pulses seed was distributed on 50% subsidy during Kharif 2003 to help the farming community. The subsidy involved in this programme is Rs. 57.84 lakhs. About 19902 farmers were benefited.
b) Distribution of Seed on 75% subsidy during Rabi 2003-04 :-
During Rabi, 4875 Qtls. of Maize, Jowar, Blackgram, Redgram,Greengram, Horsegram, Bengalgram, Groundnut, Cowpea, and Sunflower seed is distributed in the district on 75% subsidy. The amount involved is Rs. 1.163 Corers 21300 farmers were benefited.
c) Distribution of Seed on 90% subsidy in the Cyclone affected areas
About 16,000 hects. of Paddy, Maize, Tobacco, Pulses, Banana and other Horticultural crops were damaged in 24 mandals of the district. 308 Qtls. of Greengram, Blackgram, Gingilly, Jowar and Maize seed was distributed on 90% subsidy in the above mandals. Subsidy amount involved is Rs. 11.15 lakhs covering 2268 farmers.
2)Green Manure Seeddistribution on 50% subsidy:-
To enrich the soil status, Green manure crop (Dhaincha) seed of 371.10 Qtls. was distributed on 50% subsidy. The subsidy amount involved is Rs. 2.96 lakhs. About 3176 farmers were benefited.
3) On Farm Extension Demonstrations:-
These demonstrations of 4 hects. each are organized by adopting latest technology on different crops with less cost of cultivation and increase in production. Out of 428 O.F.E.Ds 428 were organized. The financial out lay for this programme is Rs. 27.44 lakhs under different crop schemes.
4) Integrated Pest Management Demostrations:-
These demonstrations are organized to create awareness on integrated pest management among farmers. The total target of 10 demonstrations are organized. Financial allotment for this programme under different schemes is Rs. 3.42 lakhs.
5) Farmers Field Schools:-
30 farmers will be trained in field level about various aspects regarding latest technology with less cost of cultivation. During this year 16 F.F.S. on Cotton and 22 F.F.S. on Paddy were allotted and organised. The financial allotment is Rs. 6.50 lakhs.
Continued in the next page>>
6) Macro Planning:-
23 mandals were covered under this programme during 2003-04. Balance 23 mandals also covered in the II phase during 2003-04. During this year 21,788 samples were collected and analysed in the Ist phase. In the 2 nd phase of Feb. 6805 samples were collected and analysed. Soil Health cards were also distributed to the farmers.
7) Farm Mechanisation on 50% subsidy:-
2530 improved farm implements/ machinery are allotted to the district with financial allocation of 20.6785 lakhs for distribution on 50% subsidy. So far 2150 number of Maize shellers, Thaiwan sprayers, Tractor mounted sprayers, Power sprayers, 3 tyne cultivators were distributed in the district with financial commitment of Rs. 53.98 lakhs.
8)Soil Health Management:-
a) Gypsum:- To reclaim the problematic soils and for Groundnut crop, 3500 M.Tons of Gypsum is allotted and the same is distributed to the farmers on 75% subsidy and 90% subsidy. The financial achievement is Rs. 21.90 lakhs.
b) Zinc Sulphate:- In order to habituate the farmers to apply zinc on paddy and Groundnut crops, 400 M.Tons of Zinc sulphate is allotted to the district during 2003-04. About 357 M.Tons of Zinc sulphate is distributed on 50% subsidy worth Rs. 33.13 lakhs.
c) Fly ash demonstrations:- To increase the soil status, fly ash demonstrations were organized in 84 hect. during Rabi 2003-04.
d) Vermi Compost:- 12 units were allotted and same were installed.
9) Rythu Mitra Groups:-
So far 6740 Rythu Mitra Groups were formed against the target of 6.440. All groups have opened bank accounts. These groups act on contract center between Agril. Extn. Officers and farmers. Rs. 161.00 lakhs were given @ Rs. 2500/- per group as a grant for 6440 groups. For the balance 300 groups Rs. 7.50 lakhs amount is required
10) Multi Purpose Extension Officers:-
So far 309 Multi Purpose Extension Officers were appointed @ One for 1000 ha. cultivable area for effective extension approach. These M.P.E.Os have been trained by organizing set conferences 3 times in a week.
11) ANTWA (Andhra Pradesh Training of Women in Agriculture) Phase-II.
Khammam is one of the 12 districts implanting the scheme from December 2001 to November 2007 for a period of 6 years. The main objective of this project is to enhance awareness and skills of small and marginal farm women and agril. labour for sustainable agriculture and to help the farm women to improve their income level and quality of life. So far village wise trainings were given in 18 ANTWA Mandals. Exposure Visits were conducted within the state and outside district.
Khammam District is endowed with Agro climatic and Soil conditions in which a wide range of Horticulture crops like Mango, Banana, Cashew, Coconut, Oilpalm, Cocoa, Pepper Areca nut etc., can be grown.
Production of various kinds of fruits, vegetables, flowers, establishing orchards and plantations production and distribution of fruit plants and vegetable seeds are the major activities supported by the Horticulture Department. The District has 84,583.00 Hect., of land under Horticulture crops with a total production of 4,24,506.000 Metric tonnes of Horticulture produce as detailed below:
Sl.No. Name of the Crop Area in Hect., Production in MTs 1 Mango 41,840.00 298125.000 2 Guava 479.00 4790.000 3 Sapota 68.00 680.000 4 Banana 2015.00 40300.000 5 Lime 635.00 4826.000 6 Papaya 125.00 4800.000 7 Orange 10.00 655.000 8 Other fruits 1,453.00 2550.000
Total 46,635.00 327226.000
Sl.No. Name of the Crop Area in Hect., Production in MTs 1 Cashew 17,570.00 15,826.000 2 Coconut 1,642.00 1.537 ( Crores nuts) 3 Oil palm 2,132.00 11,580.000
Total 21,294.00 27406.000
Sl.No. Name of the Crop Area in Hect., Production in MTs 1 Chillies 22750.00 45,500.000 2 Onion 120.00 1440.000
Total 22,870.00 46,940.00
Sl.No. Name of the Crop Area in Hect., Production in MTs 1 Lemon grass 42.00 Herbage @ 18 T/Ha., 756.000 2 Citronella 67.00 Herbage @ 15 T/Ha. 1005.000 3 Geranium 6.00 Herbage @ 8 T/Ha. 48.000 4 Palma Rosa 24.00 Herbage @ 12 T/Ha. 288.000
Total 139.50 2097.000
Sl.No. Name of the Crop Area in Hect., Production in MTs 1 Tomato 1375.00 27,500.000 2 Bhendi 720.00 10,800.000 3 Brinjal 516.00 11,352.000 4 Cucurbits (Gourds) 187.00 2805.000 5 Beans 148.00 1184.000 6 Cabbage 12.00 122.000 7 Cauliflower 4.00 24.000 8 Greens 55.00 440.000
Total 3017.00 54,227.000
QUICK SEARCH : - Select - Activities Plantation Crops Spices Medicinal & Aromatic Plants Vegetables Production of Plant Schemes
Name of the farm Mango grafts Sapota grafts Cashew grafts Guava Grafts Seethaphal grafts Horticulture Farm, Garimellapadu 50,000 - - - - Horticulture Farm, Achyuthapuram 50,000 - - 5,000 -
Sn. Scheme Nature of scheme Amount in Rs. Unit I MANGO 1. Mango High density 100 Hq. 2. Rejuvenation of old Mango orchards 50% subsidy @ Rs.5,000/- per Ha. 60 Ha. 3. Training on Mango @ Rs.6,000/- per training 50 Nos. II COCONUT 1. Vermi Compost Unit @ Rs.15,000/- per unit 2. Training programme Rs.6,000/- per training 50 farmers 3. Exposure visits Rs.75,000/- 50 farmers III COCOA 1. Area expansion Rs.1250/- per Hec. 50 Ha. 2. Training programme Rs.120/- for farmer 53 farmers 3. Exposure visits Rs.1000/- per farmer 50 farmers IV OIL PALM 1. Area expansion Rs.5,400/- per Ha. 200 Ha. 2. Micro Irrigation 60 Ha. V SPICES 1. "D" Plots 5 Units 2. Training 3 Nos 3. Polythene sheets 1150 Nos VI PLASTIC CRATES 50% subsidy Rs.70/- for crate 2000 Nos VII VEGETABLE SEED 1. Supply of Hybrid Vegetable seed 50% subsidy 1200 Ha. 2. Training 8 Nos VIII GREEN VILLAGE MODEL 10 Units IX APMIP 5000 Ha. X TISSUE CULTURE BANANA 32 Ha. XI POST HARVEST MANAGEMENT 1. Training 8 Ha.
View Action Plan for Year 2005-06
For further details contact:
Asst. Director of Horticulture, Sahakarnagar, Near: Venkateswara Theatre, Khammam Phone:- 08742-228290
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- Khammam District Provides complete information about Khammam District.