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[edit] Alexa bias
Hi. I have no problem with your edit to Climate Audit to remove Alexa stats. I'm just curious, why are they biased for science sites? Thanks. Crust 14:58, 27 June 2006 (UTC)
- Because its biased towards IE users, the scientific community has a larger than usual proportion of "other" browsers , and are less prone to include a plugin like Alexa (the last is my own conjecture) - See the Alexa page for this Kim D. Petersen 16:16, 27 June 2006 (UTC)
- Thanks for the explanation. That makes a lot of sense. Crust 16:23, 27 June 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Monckton anti-article: Devil's Advocate section
Hi Kim,
- I'm not sure it makes sense to edit within the Devil's Advocate section. That was intended for Edward to point out those sections in Monckton's article that he, as an open-minded but not specifically knowledgeable reader, found convincing. It's a heads-up to those who are working on composing the anti-article. The point of his recording that is to make sure that, when working on relevant sections of the anti-article, that these points are innoculated against.
- The general plan, so far, seems to be: At the main page, get the anti-backgrounder fixed up, as this will provide the material for the anti-article. Then write up the anti-article. (There is actually a 2nd article, and a rejoinder in The Guardian; but if we can do the backgrounder and first article before, the others are relatively easy.)
Nealjking 23:35, 19 November 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Help needed
Hi Kim,
- There are certain areas where some input would be good. I'm thinking of: user page/DRAFT RESPONSE to Monckton's backgrounder, the topics:
- Did rising carbon-dioxide end the Ice Age?
- By how much have global temperatures..
- By how much has sea level..
Some of this stuff requires expert attention, and at some point I plan to haul out a chunk and throw it into the mix at:
Nealjking 02:42, 20 November 2006 (UTC)
The DRAFT RESPONSE to Monckton's backgrounder is now at Apocalypse Cancelled