Korkut Boratav
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Korkut Boratav is a Turkish economist, born in 1935, Konya.
After his graduation from Ankara Gazi Lycee in 1955, he continued to Ankara University. In 1960 he became a university lecturer in the same place and worked on Finance and Economics. He granted to doctorate degree in 1964 by his thesis about “income distrubition and public finance”. He also worked as a lecturer in Cambridge University between the years 1964-1966. In 1972 he granted to assistant professor degree in Ankara University with his thesis about "Progress of the Socialist Planned Economy". In 1975, he also started to work as a specialist in the Health and Welfare Department of the United Nations Organisation, in Geneva, Switzerland. In early 1980, he granted to the professor degree in Ankara University , but after three years in 1983, his charge in University was ended by force of the Commander of Martial Law in Ankara Province, after the anti-democratic Military coup of 1980 in Turkey. Then, he exiled from Turkey and started to work as professor at the University of Zimbabwe, Harare.
[edit] Works
- Türkiye’de Devletçilik 1923-1950 (Statism in Turkey 1923-1950) (1962)
- Gelir Dağılımı ve Kamu Maliyesi (Income distrubition and public finance) (1965)
- Uluslararası Sömürü ve Türkiye (The international exploitation and Turkey) (1979)
- Tarımsal Yapılar ve Kapitalizm (Agrarian structures and Capitalism) (1980)
- Bölüşüm Sorunları ve İktisat Politikaları (Problems of economic distrubition and economy policies) (1983)
- Türk İktisat Tarihi 1908-1985 (Economic History Of Turkey 1908-1985) (1988) .