User talk:Korpo
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Hi! Welcome here! :)
You are surely right that gypsies and other non-Jews aren't much mentioned in books on the Shoa, and that this most probably indicates that mass-gassing wasn't primarily directed against them. But if you take a closer look at the sentence you modified, you might notice that this wasn't directly implicated. The genocide was directed at more than the Jewry (and the mentally ill, which you added), and I'm afraid your revision might be understood as a revisionist suppression of lesser known facts. (Another thing is that genocide maybe isn't the very best word to cover systematical mass-murdering of homosexuals, mentally diseased and mentally disadvantaged (whatever the current PC term on English might be).) Now, I don't think this is what you intended, and hence I am sure you will make a new edit, won't you? -- Johan Magnus 23:24 18 May 2003 (UTC)
Hello, Oliver. (Damn, that's confusing!) I notice that you've added some stubs (join point and pointcut, specifically) that I gather are something to do with computer science, given that there is mention of code and programs and so on. The thing is, your stubs don't really say. I don't suppose that when you start new articles, you could make it clear from the opening line what area of human knowledge they relate to, and how they fit into it, could you? That would be nice. :) -- Oliver P. 18:14 26 May 2003 (UTC)
Hi. I hope you don't take offense in my fixing a typo on your userpage. I thought a person with a poor English could be confused by that typo so I wanted to fix it asap. -- Bulatych 20:46, 6 Dec 2003 (UTC)