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The official Dutch dictionary quotes the following for
- fraai gevormd stukje glas, hout enz. met een gat erin, ter versiering
- bolrond voorwerpje => oog
- omgebogen rand of verdikking van een dunne metalen plaat
- omsloten ruimte voor vee
- Afrikaans dorp
1-2 equal to bead, and 3 means a round edge on a metal plate.
However, 4 means "enclosed space for lifestock" and 5 "African village".
I looked it up because I knew in Dutch "Kraal" can have meaning 4. The question remains if the Boers got it from Dutch/Flemish, or the otherway around, since the web dict doesn't provide ethymology. For that you need the official dictionary with ethymology (Dikke van Dale) 15:41, 21 February 2007 (UTC)