Kreuzweg Ost
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Kreuzweg Ost is a dark wave/industrial project founded by Michael Gregor and Martin Schirenc. The music is a blend of world war-related samples and loops with booming sounds and instrumental pieces. There are no vocals, instead, the predominant samples are arranged so that they take their role, sometimes telling kind of small stories similar to radio play snippets.
Martin Schirenc- of Austrian death metal band Pungent Stench - left the group shortly after the release of the Iron Avantgarde album and was replaced by Ronald Albrecht(programming) and producer/sound engineer Oliver Stummer.
Michael Gregor is a member of the Austrian band Summoning and is also known as Silenius. Oliver Stummer has also released as Tomoroh Hidari and his Namelessness Is Legion.
[edit] Motives
Kreuzweg Ost’s concept is about making musical translations of various movies dealing with military or religious topics. The selection of films ranges from literature-adaptations to, in some cases, complete trash.
[edit] Discography
The first Kreuzweg Ost album entitled Iron Avantgarde was released in 2000.
Track listing:
- Re-Kapitulation
- Ein Bild Freudiger Lebensbejaung
- Eduard Rüttelmeier
- Oh No Lo So, Magnifico
- Stählerne Schwingen
- Caki Voli
- Kohlenklau
- Der Feuersturm Von Dresden
- Du, Gefangene!
- Donautaufe
- Na Wostoke Nechewo Nowogo
The second album Edelrost was released in 2005.
Track listing:
- Edelrost
- Für Kaiser, Gott und Vaterland
- Die Legion
- Zucht und Hunger
- Eiserne Menschen
- Zum Appell
- Rasputin
- Leu der Lüfte
- Lebwohl