Krysty Wroth
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Krysty Wroth is a main character in the Deathlands saga of novels. She is an mutant who is often described as a "Titian Haired Beauty", referring to her curly red hair which is animated and semi-sentient. She is shown to have vaguely defined psychic abilities in some of the novels. She was first introduced in Pilgrimage to Hell in 1986, the first book of the series, and in that book established a romantic relationship with Ryan Cawdor, the other main character.
Krysty is a worshipper of Gaia and apparently draws strength from the earth. She is the spiritual center of the group of survivors in the books, the character most driven to find a utopia of unspoiled land to live on, though as the series progresses this drive fades into the background.
Like most of the characters featured in the series, she is a skilled and experienced fighter.