From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Krystyna666 joined Wikipedia for the sole purpose of stalking and irritating good friend Keystone32. She lives in Toronto, Canada, and is in the eleventh grade, but has been mistaken for a niner... Main interests include RPG CHAT, setting things on fire, PI, Davy Havok, Flying Sheep Brethren, karaoke, Gerard Way, the environment, horror movies and novels, true crime novels, history, languages, sleep, cooking, and finding creative ways to annoy all people around her. Some consider her to be "socially self-destructive". Life ambitions include, among many, to become a succesful Crown attorney, to learn how to make microwave popcorn without burning it, to attend chef school, to appear on Canadian Idol, and for Juan Gomez to BURN IN HELL. Krystyna666 is known to operate under several other aliases, including MagicStar73, futurerockstar666, DarkThornedRoses, Eris Darkmoon, Eris13, FreeStar and specialperson.
^ Enjoys being long-winded and may add to this to frustrate whatever people ever bother to read it! Muhwahahaha