Kurt Heinrich Sethe
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Kurt Heinrich Sethe(June 30, 1869–July 6, 1934) was a noted German Egyptologist and philologist. He was a student of Adolf Erman. Sethe collected numerous texts from Egypt during his visits there and edited the Urkunden des Ægyptischen Altertums which is a standard catalogue of Ancient Egyptian literature and text. Among Sethe's many contributions to Egyptology, two are singled out by Gardiner(p.433): "...the pronunciation of Middle Egyptian...The chief authorities to be consulted are Sethe's great work on the Egyptian verb, and a much later brilliant article entitled Die Vokalisation des Ägyptischen in Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenländischen Gesellschaft""(1923)
[edit] References
- http://2terres.hautesavoie.net/segypte/texte/sethe000.html
- Gardiner, Alan. Egyptian Grammar. Being an Introduction to the Study of Hieroglyphs. 3rd Ed., Rev. London: Oxford University Press, 1957 (1st ed. 1927). ISBN
- Sethe, Kurt 1902. Das aegyptische verbum im altaegyptischen, neuaegyptischen und koptischen. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs,.