Kut ku
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[edit] Yian Kut-Ku
A Yian Kut-Ku is a small wyvern from the video game franchise Monster Hunter. Compared to other wyverns in the game, a Kut-Ku is moderately small. In the beginning of the game with limited experience, supplies, and weapons, it is in fact a worthy adversary. However later in the game with stronger weapons, it is not uncommon for a player to dispatch of one in a short amount of time with the right weapon.
Regardless of the difficulty of the mission a good hunter should always be prepared. A good set of items suggested to bring with you on a mission to slay a Yian Kut Ku are as follows:
10 Sonic Bombs - A Kut Ku has large ears and a sonic bomb stuns it and lets you get in several unanswered hits.
10 Flash Bombs - As with most wyverns in the game flash bombs are very affective. It will render it confused for several (15-20) seconds.
10 Potions - You receive first aid kits when you first start the quest but for beginners, bringing potions, (and herbs and blue mushrooms to combine to make potions) is a good idea.
If you are a Great Sword/Dual Sword/Sword and Shield/Lance/Hammer user it would be smart to bring extra whetstones. If you use a bowgun be sure to bring some extra ammo.
When the Yian Kut Ku begins to lose, its large ears fall back and fire/smoke starts to appear around its beak. This is a clear sign of it about to die. When fire/smoke begins to come from its mouth its speed and power increase dramatically.