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[edit] Biography
Real name: Mike Teague (my current internet nickname kvuo is the ICAO identifier for Pearson Field, Vancouver, WA, USA.) Also known as Yngve, on BBS's, IRC and Usenet from 1994-2001.
Born in Long Beach, CA in 1975, living in Vancouver, WA since 1989
[edit] Education / Employment
I dropped out of high school in the 11th grade, 95th percentile GED graduate, 1 year of community college studying music theory. Rural Letter Carrier for the United States Postal Service since March 1994.

[edit] Interests
Due to my passion for aviation, I fly airplanes, both real and virtual. I create music, as a guitarist and drummer. I like to travel and gamble, mostly in the games of texas_hold_em, pai_gow_poker, video poker and craps, hence, most of my vacation time is spent in Las Vegas. Scotch whisky, Bourbon, artisan beer tasting (and drinking in general) are more of my hobbies. I'm an avid fan of the Opie and Anthony and Phil Hendrie radio talk shows. I smoke cigarettes and cigars. I am co-creator of the outdoor GPS game of geocaching. Science; all sciences, in particular, physics, geology (hence my travels to the Sierra Nevada, Owens Valley, Death Valley and other exciting places), chemistry, anthropology, technology, astronomy and biology are my wikipedia interests. During 1990-91 or so, I operated one of the last Commodore 64 BBS's in Vancouver, WA, called Hangar 18. It was mostly a pre-information-revolution high-school geek hangout, where we would commiserate and plot. For several years during the mid-to-late 1990's, I was a devoted Linux enthusiast, using and administrating a machine called (1.2.x kernel) for tens of users that would telnet to it. I gave free shell accounts to all, over a 28.8kbps modem. Somewhere around 1999, in the interest of conformity and entertainment, decided a Microsoft operating system would suit me. I still am a whole-hearted supporter of GNU. I am also a firearm enthusiast, and a longtime CCW (CPL) permit holder in Washington with a strong preference for Glocks. I am a somewhat activist skeptic and atheist. Politically, I am a card-carrying libertarian.