Уикипедия:Суреттің ауторлық құқықтары
For a general list of template messages, see Wikipedia:Template_messages
Images on Wikipedia must be tagged to help adhere to copyright laws and identify free material for use. Since the servers are located in the USA, US laws must be taken into consideration and to a lesser extent the laws of other nations.
For general Rules of Thumb on uploading images, see Wikipedia:Image use policy.
Here are some image tagging guidelines:
- Please tag images on the image description page with one of the tags below so we can keep track of its status. For information on where to put the tags in the image description page, see Template messages. The tags should be put on a line of their own.
- When marking an image as one of the more vague categories (such as CopyrightedFreeUse), try to specify somewhere what the actual license or other permission states.
- If you tag an image as requiring attribution, please specify who needs to be attributed! Note that the GFDL requires attribution.
- If multiple categories apply to an image, add all that apply.
- Along with a tag, specify the source or copyright holder information. Provide as much detail as possible.
- Please put more thought to the file naming of images as well.
- Wikimedia Commons does not allow fair use material (see Commons:Licensing#Material under the fair use clause is not allowed on the Commons) but such images can still be used here (see Wikipedia:Copyrights#Fair use materials and special requirements). Fair use applies in some countries but not in others. Many images including fair use ones need to be kept out of a coming Mandriva Linux (formerly Mandrakelinux) distribution (see m:Wikimedia and Mandrakesoft).
- To help provide image tags in Wikipedia, see Wikipedia:Untagged images.
- Finally, scroll down to see the whole set of tagging options.
- See also Wikipedia:Template messages/Image namespace
Мазмұны |
[өңдеу] Tagging options
[өңдеу] For image creators
If you are the photographer, designer, or otherwise the creator of an original work, you don't need to sort through this whole list. Ideally, we would like you to license your work under a "free" license — with as few restrictions as possible. The licenses in this section are designed not so much to restrict use of your work, but to keep it free. Some people group these under the generic term copyleft.
Each license takes the form of a template, a short snippet of text that causes a license box to be displayed under your image. Copy the whole thing, including the {{double braces}}, and paste it in along with your description when you upload your work. You can also use the new drop-down menu.
- {{GFDL-self}} — GNU Free Documentation License written by the Free Software Foundation. This was originally written to license free software documentation.
- {{cc-by-sa-2.5}} — Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike. This is one of several CC licenses. This version permits free use, including commercial use; requires that you be attributed as the creator; and requires that any derivative creator or redistributor of your work use the same license.
- {{pd-self}} — Public Domain. There is some question whether it is possible under existing law to release one's work into the public domain; but this is still the "license" of choice for some.
- {{No rights reserved}} was developed to meet the question above of whether it is possible to release work into the public domain. See Wikipedia:Granting work into the public domain.
Note that many creators license their works under more than one of these free licenses. There is no limit to the number of license tags you may apply — although some may render one another irrelevant.
There are many other licenses you may choose to grant to your own work; please see below. Please remember that our intent is not to add a burden to you; we appreciate your willingness to allow your work to be published. For legal purposes, we do need a legal license.
If you have any questions or need any help, please feel free to ask any member of this Project. Here is a list of members who have volunteered to help do this vital work.
[өңдеу] Public domain
Remember that most images you find on the Web are not public domain, even if they list no explicit copyright information. Images only qualify as being in the public domain if they fall under certain specific categories described below — very old works, works by certain government employees, and works where an explicit disclaimer of copyright has been made in writing by the author.
For a simple chart on US Public Domain regulations (Wikipedia servers are located in the US and fall under US guidelines) see the chart here.
[өңдеу] General public domain images
- {{Military-Insignia}} — for images of any national military rank.
- {{OldOS}}-for maps and sections of maps taken from OS maps over 50 years old.
- {{PD}} — for when author has put into the public domain or the author died over 70 years ago (pre-1936). Consider first using the following subtags:
- {{PD-flag-50}} — for images of national, governmental, or historical flags out of copyright in those countries with copyright terms of life of the author plus 50 years
- {{PD-flag-70}} — for images of national, governmental, or historical flags out of copyright in those countries with copyright terms of life of the author plus 70 years
- {{PD-flag-100}} — for images of national, governmental, or historical flags out of copyright in those countries with copyright terms of life of the author plus 100 years
- {{PD-flag-US}} — for images of national, governmental, or historical flags out of copyright in the United States
- {{PD-font}} — for images that consist solely of rasterized characters from one or more typefaces.
- {{PD-ineligible}} — for images that are inherently ineligible for copyright protection because they are based exclusively on common knowledge with no element of creativity. An example would be Image:F Major key signature.png or things like multiplication tables. If you have any doubts, please ask.
- {{PD-old}} — for images where the author died more than 100 years ago (1906). (Note: not where the work, image, or subject is 100 or more years old)
- {{PD-old-50}} — for images published in the United States before 1923 where the author died more than 50 years ago (1956). (Note: not where the work, image, or subject is 50 or more years old)
- {{PD-old-70}} — for images where the author died more than 70 years ago (1936). (Note: not where the work, image, or subject is 70 or more years old.)
- {{PD-stamp}} — for postage stamps known to be in the public domain for whatever reason, such as age, or because the issuing authority explicitly puts stamps in the public domain (US before 1978, Faeroes).
[өңдеу] Public domain dedications
These tags are used for an author to attempt to release their work into the public domain, disclaiming any copyright. However, if you use this, consider also using a license tag such as {{NoRightsReserved}}, in case this is ineffective in your jurisdiction; see Wikipedia: Granting work into the public domain.
- {{PD-release}} — when the creator has made a statement releasing the work to public domain
- {{PD-link}} — a statement intended to release a contributor's own work into public domain and request an entirely optional link back to Wikipedia from anyone reproducing it
- {{PD-self}} — a statement intended to release a contributor's own work into public domain
- Үлгі:Tlp — a statement intended to release a particular user's own work into public domain by a Wikipedian. For Wikipedians not on the English Wikipedia, use Үлгі:Tlp2 where the language code is the two-character ISO 639-2 code (lowercase) that corresponds to the language of the Wikipedia where the user has an account.
- Үлгі:Tlp — remarking that a previous PD work has been digitally enhanced, and re-released into public domain by a Wikipedian.
[өңдеу] Public domain art
- {{PD-art}} — for images of works of art where the artist died more than 100 years ago.
- {{PD-art-life-50}} — for images of works of art published in the United States before 1923 where the artist died more than 50 years ago.
- {{PD-art-life-70}} — for images of works of art where the artist died more than 70 years ago.
- {{PD-art-US}} — for images of works of art published in the United States prior to 1923.
{{Wikipedia:Image copyright tags/USA}}
[өңдеу] Other countries' public domain images
Whenever an image is tagged using one of these tags, the image description page should also contain some rationale as to whether and why the image is presumed to be in the public domain in the U.S., too!
- {{Iraqcopyright}} — for works first published in Iraq before Iraq signed a copyright treaty with the United States.
- {{PD-AR-Photo}} — for photographies first registered in Argentina over 25 years ago. (Law 11.723, Article 34)
- {{PD-Australia}} — for published photographs where the creator has died at least 70 years ago, or photographs taken prior to 1955.
- {{PD-Australia-CC}} — for photographs held under Crown Copyright in Australia and published more than 50 years ago.
- {{PD-AustraliaGov}} — for works published by the Australian government more than 50 years ago.
- {{PD-BritishGov}} — for images created by the British Government and published prior to 1956.
- {{PD-Canada}} — for Canadian photographs not subject to Crown copyright taken before 1949.
- {{PD-China}} — for photographs taken in China over 50 years ago, or for non-photographic images where the author died more than 50 years ago.
- {{HK-PD}} for images and photographs taken in Hong Kong where the author died more than 50 years ago, or unknown authorship works which were published over 50 years.
- {{PD-CzechGov}} — for state symbols and symbols of other self-governing units.
- {{PD-Coa-Germany}} — for coats of arms of German corporations governed by public law ("Körperschaften des öffentlichen Rechts"). Note that while the design is free their use is restricted
- {{PD-India}} — for photographs first published by Indian citizens or the Indian government prior to 1946-01-01. [1].
- {{PD-Iran}} — for works first published in Iran where all the authors have died more than 30 years ago, or photos or movies first published in Iran and published more than 30 years ago.
- {{PD-Ireland}} — for works first published in the Republic of Ireland where all the authors died over 70 calendar years ago, or if the authors are not known, where the works were published over 70 calendar years ago. [2]
- {{PD-Italy}} — for photographs taken in Italy over 20 years ago, or artistic photos taken over 70 years ago.
- {{PD-LithuaniaGov}} — Republic of Lithuania Law on Copyright and Related Rights says "Copyright shall not apply to official State symbols and insignia (flags, coat-of-arms, anthems, banknote designs, and other State symbols and insignia)."
- {{PD-Netherlands}} — for works published in the Netherlands, Dutch East Indies, or Netherlands New Guinea over 70 years after the following January 1 when the work was published and works published by authors who died more than 70 years after the next January 1 of the author's death.
- {{PD-NZ}} - for works made in New Zealand whose author died more than 50 years ago.
- {{PD-Pakistan}} — for photographs taken in Pakistan over 50 years ago, or for non-photographic images where the author died more than 50 years ago.
- {{PD-Philippines}} — for works whose copyrights have already expired, released into the public domain, or ineligible for copyright as stated by Philippine copyright law.
- {{PD-PhilippinesGov}} — for all works created in the Philippines by the Philippine government.
- {{PD-Poland}} — for Polish photographs published in Poland without a copyright notice prior to May 23 1994.
- {{PD-PolishGov}} — for Polish government documents, materials, signs and symbols.
- {{PD-RomaniaGov}} — for Romanian state symbols and symbols of public authorities and organisation, and for Romanian currencies
- {{PD-RU-exempt}} — exempt from copyright protection under the Russian law as per tag text.
- {{PD-SAGov}} — For works published in South Africa that are more than 50 years old.
- {{PD-Sweden}} for public domain images taken by Swedish photographers before 1944
- {{PD-SwedGov-attribution}} for pictures released by the Swedish Government, mainly those on its website.[3] Attribution for the photographer is requested.
- {{PD-Vägverket}} for Swedish road signs from the website of the Swedish Road Administration (Vägverket)
- {{PD-UA-exempt}} — exempt from copyright protection under Ukrainan law as per tag text.
- {{PD-USSR}} — for works first published in the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics before 27 May 1973.
- {{PD-BY-exempt}} — exempt from copyright protection under the law of the Republic of Belarus. [4]
[өңдеу] Other public domain images
- {{Gray's Anatomy plate}} or {{GAP}} — illustrations from the online edition of Gray's Anatomy of the Human Body, 20th U.S. edition, originally published in 1918.
- {{PD-8BS}} — for Acorn/BBC images from http://www.8BS.com — this refers to the 8-bit computers, NOT the BBC in general.
- {{PD-GWPDA}} — images from public domain source scanned by the Great War Primary Documents Archive
- {{PD-Meyers}} — image comes from the 4th edition of Meyers Konversationslexikon (1888)
- {{PD-Open Clipart Library}} — for images from the Open Clipart Library
- {{PD-PCL}} — a map from the map collection [5] of the Perry-Castañeda Library (PCL) of the University of Texas at Austin.
- {{PD-PDphoto.org}} — for images from http://www.PDphoto.org
- {{PD-Vardion}} — for maps by User:Vardion.
- {{PD-Catholic}} — For public domain images found on the Catholic Encyclopedia
- {{money-US}} — for images of the official currency of the U.S. These are ineligible for copyright, and therefore in the public domain.
[өңдеу] Free licenses
[өңдеу] "Any-purpose" copyright
- {{ABr}} — A photo copyrighted by Agência Brasil, that can be freely reproduced as long as attribution is given (CC-BY-2.5 Br)
- {{AMI}} — For images digitized by the Árni Magnússon Institute in Iceland. Can be used freely as long as the source is stated.
- {{Attribution}} — For images that require attribution.
- For your own images, consider using {{cc-by-2.0}}, below, instead.
- {{CopyrightedFreeUse}} — The image is copyrighted, but is free to use for any purpose. See also {{NoRightsReserved}} below.
- {{CopyrightedFreeUse-Link}} — The image is free to use for any purpose, but requests an entirely optional link back to Wikipedia.
- {{CopyrightedFreeUse-User}} — A particular Wikipedia user is the copyright holder, but releases all rights to it.
- Үлгі:Tlp — For example, provided that credit is given and copyright is attributed. Note that non-commercial or educational use restrictions are not allowed as provisions in this tag. Consider using {{GFDL}} or one of the Creative Commons licenses below, instead of trying to make up your own restrictions.
- {{Flphoto}} — Images from the Florida Photographic Collection, allowable if credit is given.
- {{Free screenshot}} — screenshots entirely of free (as in freedom) software
- {{MosNews}} — for images created by the Mosnews.com staff (see their copyright notice or its copy here, retrieved December 21, 2005))
- {{No rights reserved}} for images to which the author has released all rights — essentially a more explicit version of {{CopyrightedFreeUse}} above.
- {{Trainweb}} — Images from TrainWeb, allowable if www.trainweb.com is printed near the photo.[6]
[өңдеу] BSD licenses
- {{BSD}} — BSD license
- Үлгі:Tlp — BSD license with user variable
[өңдеу] Creative Commons Licenses
- {{cc-by}} — Attribution 1.0
- {{cc-by-2.0}} — Attribution 2.0
- {{cc-by-2.0-map}} — Attribution 2.0 map
- {{ cc-by-2.0-map-of|region }} — Attribution 2.0 map of region
- {{cc-by-2.5}} — Attribution 2.5
- {{cc-sa}} — ShareAlike 1.0
- {{cc-by-sa}} — Attribution-Sharealike 1.0
- {{cc-by-sa-2.0}} — Attribution-Sharealike 2.0
- {{cc-by-sa-2.0-kr}} — Attribution-Sharealike 2.0 South Korea based on South Korean law
- {{cc-by-sa-2.5}} — Attribution-Sharealike 2.5
Other Creative Commons licenses exist but are non-free for use in Wikipedia. See Non-free Creative Commons licenses for a full list and explanation.
[өңдеу] Free Art license (License Art Libre)
- {{FAL}} — Free Art license (info)
[өңдеу] GNU licenses
- {{GFDL}} — GNU Free Documentation License (no invariant sections or cover texts)
- {{GFDL-nologo}} — Less obtrusive version of the GFDL template (replaces GFDL-small)
- {{GFDL 1.2}} — GNU Free Documentation License 1.2
- {{GFDL-self}} — GFDL template, remarking that uploader holds copyright.
- {{GFDL-retouched}} — GFDL template, remarking that a previous PD work has been digitally enhanced, and re-released under GFDL.
[өңдеу] Version >= 1.2
- {{GFDL-invariants}} — GFDL template, may include invariant sections or cover texts
- {{GPL}} — GNU General Public License. This tag is designed for GPL images licensed by others (usually as part of a software package). Do not use it to tag images you created yourself. Use another free license, such as {{GFDL}} or {{cc-by-sa}}.
- {{LGPL}} — GNU Lesser General Public License. This tag is designed for LGPL images licensed by others (usually as part of a software package). Do not use it to tag images you created yourself. Use another free license, such as {{GFDL}} or {{cc-by-sa}}.
- {{GFDL-OpenGeoDB}} — GFDL (images from http://opengeodb.de)
- {{wikipedia-screenshot}} — Screenshots of Wikipedia web pages
[өңдеу] MIT license
- Үлгі:Tlp — MIT License. This tag is designed for MIT images licensed by others (usually as part of a software package). Do not use it to tag images you created yourself. Use another free license, such as {{GFDL}} or {{cc-by-sa}}.
[өңдеу] NZ government copyrights
Almost everything is covered by either regular copyright, or if it is a public service department, by Crown copyright, which in New Zealand has a 100-year term under Section 26(3)(b) of the Copyright Act 1994. This puts most recent material out of bounds. However, there is an exception to these provisions for some documents:
- {{NZCrownCopyright}} — Some Government departments allow their material to be reproduced free of charge in any format or medium provided it is reproduced accurately and not used in a misleading context. The source of the material must be identified and the copyright status acknowledged. Remember that this is not a carte blanche. See the talk page for a list of web sites that will allow some use — and check the copyright notice first as they are all different.
- {{PD-NZSection27}} — for works created by some New Zealand government entities, which are covered by Section 27(1) of the Copyright Act 1994 [7]. The section excludes from copyright protection the following NZ works: Bills, Acts, regulations, municipal bylaws, Hansard, select committee reports, court judgments, Royal commission reports, commission of inquiry reports, ministerial inquiry reports and statutory inquiry reports. Note that sourcing these from a third party provider that, say, annotated Acts, is dangerous — they would have copyright in those annotations, and/or copyright in a new typographical arrangement [8].
- {{NZ-Currency}} — there is list of criteria released by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand for one-sided reproductions of NZ currency without permission. The criteria only apply to exact reproductions. See the template and RBNZ website's reproduction criteria for clarification of the below. Naturally, any copyright is still retained, so fair use may still need to be observed. In short:
- "For one-sided reproductions, provided these are more than 125% or less than 75% of both the length and width of the respective bank note, irrespective of the material used for the reproduction."
- "For one-sided reproductions, provided these are more than 125% or less than 75% of the diameter of the respective coin. Any materials used for the reproduction must not be metal OR metallic like."
[өңдеу] UK government copyrights
- {{CrownCopyright}} — For material under UK Crown copyright (Crown copyright in other countries has different restrictions). This only applies to some content on some web sites. It's not a carte blanche to use anything. See the talk page for a list of web sites that will allow some use — and check the copyright notice first as they are all different. It is the express opinion of HM Stationery Office that Crown Copyright is incompatible with the GFDL — contact the Epopt for details.
The options below are all either for Crown copyright or British Government bodies that claim copyrights in their own right with terms sufficiently different from the norm that they need their own message.
- {{LearningandSkillsCouncilCopyright}} — Learning and Skills Council material
- {{NationalAuditOfficeCopyright}} — National Audit Office material
- {{NHSCopyright}} — National Health Service material
- The following UK government agencies have unfree images, Qualifications and Curriculum Authority, Land Registry, Teacher Training Agency and the Ordnance Survey. To use material from any of these sources follow the instructions for fair use.
[өңдеу] Fair use
All material under fair use is copyrighted to begin with (if the material is known not to be copyrighted, use the appropriate public domain tag instead). Each material under fair use claim must include a reason for fair use. Please review Help:Image page#Fair use rationale and Wikipedia:Fair use. Уикипедия:Суреттің ауторлық құқықтары/Fair use
[өңдеу] Images of unknown usability
The following tags do not adequately indicate whether they can be used on Wikipedia. Please add source and licence information, if not provided, and a fair use rationale if the image is being used under fair use.
- {{Coat of arms}} — For images of a "Coat of arms" or crest whose copyright and licence status are unknown.
- {{FinnishDefenceForces}} — for media copyrighted by the Finnish Defence Forces. See [9]
- {{flagimage}} — Images of governmental flags whose copyright status is unknown.
- {{PD-Germany}} — for photographic works and other images where the German photographer (or creator) died more than 70 years ago. Due to this tag's history, many images whose creators died less than 70 years ago are tagged with this tag. Source and licencing information should be added.
[өңдеу] Presumed free images
- Үлгі:Tlp These are images that have been unverified to be free of copyright issues, but some user (the one whose username is the parameter value) in good faith believes to have been created by the uploader and hence are mostly public domain or GFDL, i.e. redistributable under the GFDL. This is especially useful for images uploaded until mid-2004, at a time when uploaders weren't warned to add image copyright tags. In the early years of Wikipedia all images were presumed to be GFDL-compatible unless found to be otherwise (and deleted, usually), and most images were hence not tagged with their copyright status.
[өңдеу] Tags for deprecated images
[өңдеу] Unfree images
These tags are used to mark images that are deprecated, and which will eventually be deleted.
On September 20, 2004, Wikipedia:Possibly unfree images began accepting listings for images used in Wikipedia that either do not have a license or are currently listed with a non-free license. In mid 2005 however images lacking source and/or license information became a criterion for speedy deletion, and subsequently the PUI process was amended to deal with cases of disputed copyright status and non-free images instead.
The following tags are for use on such images. Though these images are unwanted, they should not be deleted immediately but proceed to be slowly and respectfully weeded out.
- {{PUIdisputed}} — used for images where the stated copyright status is disputed. If the status can not be resolved the image is usually deleted after being listed for 14 days.
- {{PUInonfree}} — used for images with a noted non-free license. If an alternative license is not found, these images will be deleted after 14 days.
In both cases {{ idw-pui|Image:ImageName.jpg }} should be added to the uploaders talk page, {{unverifiedimage}} should be put into the caption of the image where it is used, and the image should then be listed on the Wikipedia:Possibly unfree images page so the image can be properly processed.
[өңдеу] Copyright violations
This tag is used to mark images which violate copyright, and which will quickly be deleted.
- Үлгі:Tlp — for images listed at Wikipedia:Copyright problems.
- Add to the uploader's talk page: {{subst:idw-cp|Image:ImageName.jpg}}
[өңдеу] Bad images
These tags are used to mark images which are deprecated, and which will eventually be deleted.
- {{Missing image}} — for images that cannot be deleted using the standard deletion procedure due to bugs in the MediaWiki software. Generally, these images have to be manually deleted by a developer.
[өңдеу] General non-free licenses
Do not upload images for which one of the tags in this section applies. They will be deleted.
- {{CACTVSGIF}} — Images of chemical structures created with the GIF/PNG-Creator for 2D Plots of Chemical Structures, a product of the NIH/University of Erlangen-Nuremberg CACTVS collaboration. Explicitly forbids inclusion on CDs and other media that are charged for.
- {{copyrighted}} — permission is given for use on Wikipedia only, and does not include third parties.
- Үлгі:Tlp — Eg. provided that credit is given and copyright is attributed.
- Үлгі:Tlp — for an image with author information but no notice about licensing information.
- Add to the uploader's talk page: {{subst:Image copyright|Image:ImageName.jpg}} --~~~~
- Үлгі:Tlp — for an image with no source information.
- Add to the uploader's talk page: {{subst:Image source|Image:ImageName.jpg}} --~~~~
- {{noncommercial}} — where there is general non-commercial permission.
- {{noncommercialProvided}} reason — where there is general non-commercial permission provided that... (e.g.) the photographer is credited. For example, images from IMDb cannot be reproduced for sale and credit must be supplied. However, these images may possibly be used under other categories such as fair use such as promotional head shots of people.
- {{WorldCoin}} — for images from the World Coin Gallery (see [10])
[өңдеу] Other non-free government copyrights
Do not upload images for which one of the tags in this section applies.
- {{FrenchNavyImage}} — Free for Internet use; non-free for non-Internet use.
- {{Indiancopyright}} — for works first published in India and domains registered in India.
- {{EU image}} — Images from the website of the European Union. Permits reproduction, but not modification.
- {{MEP image (EP)}} — Images of members from the European Parliament website bear a similar copyright[11].
- {{money-EU}} — for images of the official currency of the EU. These are copyrighted but may be reproduced as long as they cannot be confused with real currency. Modification of the images might not be permitted.
- {{Sejm}} — Images from the website of Sejm, the lower house of Polish Parliament. Permits reproduction, but not modification.
[өңдеу] Non-free Creative Commons licenses
Do not upload images for which one of the tags in this section applies. Instead, if it is your work, consider licencing the work under a Creative Commons License that is acceptable for use in Wikipedia or releasing it into Public Domain. See Wikipedia:Image copyright tags#Creative Commons Licenses.
- {{cc-nd}} — NoDerivs 1.0
- {{cc-by-nd}} — Attribution-NoDerivs 1.0
- {{cc-by-nd-2.0}} — Attribution-NoDerivs 2.0
- {{cc-nc}} — NonCommercial 1.0
- {{cc-by-nc}} — Attribution-NonCommercial 1.0
- {{cc-by-nc-2.0}} — Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0
- {{cc-nc-sa}} — NonCommercial-ShareAlike 1.0
- {{cc-by-nc-sa}} — Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 1.0
- {{cc-by-nc-sa-2.0}} — Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0
- {{cc-nd-nc}} — NoDerivs-NonCommercial 1.0
- {{cc-by-nd-nc}} — Attribution-NoDerivs-NonCommercial 1.0
- {{cc-by-nc-nd-2.0}} — Attribution-NoDerivs-NonCommercial 2.0
[өңдеу] Incorrectly tagged images
- {{wrong-license}} — For images tagged with a license believed to be incorrect
[өңдеу] Rationale
But why? ... we hear you cry.
Well, it is a few things:
- What's "fair use" in one country may not be "fair use" in another country; this allows people creating derivative works in other countries to extract images which aren't legal in their country.
- It is harder to create decent images than decent text, so the temptation to break copyright is bigger, so we like to be a bit more vigilant. For this very reason, sublicenses of Wikipedia are going to be especially concerned about images, particularly for printed versions.
- Secondly, it's easy to rewrite text that turns out to be copyrighted, but harder (though possible) to do the same for images.
- It is good practice to cite our sources, where we've (legally) copied images from elsewhere. If we give due credit, we're more likely to get permission (and some licenses require due credit anyway).
- Where Wikipedians have created the images, they should have a bit of fame! Putting some text on the image description page that they took it themselves, and they license it under the GFDL, is a good way to do that.
Please also see this announcement from Wikipedia founder Jimbo Wales.
[өңдеу] Creating new tags or sub-category
If you are uploading a relatively large collection of images, you should consider creating a new tag and sub-category for them. Before doing so, please propose the tag on Wikipedia talk:Image copyright tags first. Many new tags are quickly deleted because they are overly vague or overly specific, redundant, or are for images of dubious copyright or licencing status. Discussing the tag before creating it ensures that these pitfalls are avoided.
If you are not familiar with how to create templates which add images to categories, please ask for assistance before attempting, in order to save the time and effort which results from needing to fix incorrectly created tags. Be sure to add Category:Image copyright tags to the template by adding the following at the bottom:
<noinclude>[[Category:Image copyright tags|{{PAGENAME}}]]</noinclude>
[өңдеу] Image template notice
Each copyright tag such as {{Fairuse}} should correspond to a Category. Placing such a tag on an image will automatically put it into that category, because that template should already belong to that category. Using {{Fairuse}} as an example, each of such category should have a notice by using the tag {{Image template notice|Fairuse}} of the template Template:Image template notice that renders as:
Үлгі:Image template notice
[өңдеу] Members
This is a team of Wikipedians who have volunteered to help do this vital work.
- ACupOfCoffee
- Romeo Bravo
- Angela
- Ardonik
- Belmont Stakes
- Bjelleklang — every once-in-a-while
- Bratsche
- David Remahl
- Doidimais Brasil
- EagleOne
- Ellmist
- feydey
- Flockmeal
- Gryffindor
- Imran
- Lommer | talk
- Maximus Rex
- imho (Working on simplified classification scheme.)
- Quadell
- Roozbeh
- Secretlondon
- Shimgray
- Simetrical
- Superm401
- Ta bu shi da yu
- Tagishsimon (talk)
- Tempshill
- ugen64
- Xtreme680
- Zanimum (I've already done a bit casually.)
- Zondor
- Zsinj
- Henrysja
[өңдеу] See also
- Category:Image copyright tags
- Wikipedia:Image copyright tags/Displayed and ranked
- Commons:Copyright tags
- Wikipedia:Untagged images, list of currently untagged images on Wiki
- MediaWiki:Licenses, drop-down list displayed on Special:Upload
- Bridgeman Art Library v. Corel Corp., re images of art - cited in {{PD-art}}