그림:Zodiacal light.jpg
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(Copied from Wikipedia to Commons)
Zodiacal Light with Aurora
Credit: Dominic Cantin ( http://www.pbase.com/dominiccantin )
English: This photo was taken facing east before the beginning of twilight on the morning of September 2, 2003. The zodiacal light is passing through the constellation of Gemini ( Saturn was in Gemini at this time ), and there was a red auroral glow at the left. Photo details: 16mm fisheye lens @ f 3.5 , 10 minutes "piggybacked" on EQ-3 motorized mount , Fuji Superia 800
Español: Luz zodiacal, 2 de septiembre de 2003. La luz zodiacal se superpone por delante de la constelación de Géminis. Se aprecia un brillo de aurora rojizo a la izquierda de la imagen.
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