Bikarhêner nîqaş:
Ji Wîkîpediya
If you sign up and create an account, you can also work on partially protected pages like "Kurdistan". --Erdal Ronahi 01:33, 18 rezber 2006 (UTC)
It's up to you. But it would make communication easier. --Erdal Ronahi 01:37, 18 rezber 2006 (UTC)
[biguherîne] Şablon:Bajar kurd Soranî
Şablon:Bajar kurd Soranî gelek baş e! Since your IP is static, we won't have any communication problem ;) --Erdal Ronahi 19:00, 18 rezber 2006 (UTC)
Do you know Soranî well? If yes, you could help me with some problems. For instance the fact that there are two different "k". I think in "Kerkûk" you used the non-Kurdish one for the last letter. Is that right? --Erdal Ronahi 19:04, 18 rezber 2006 (UTC)
I know some Soranî. I meant something different. There are "keh" (Unicode) and "keheh" (Unicode 06a9). "keheh" has no hamza on it when it is the last letter in a word, like in Kerkûk. In Arabic it in not used, but in Kurdish, as far as I know. Do you understand what I mean? I think it must be كهركووﮎ and not كهركووك
To change them is not the problem, I can do that. The question is, am I right to use the "keheh" all over? The table on has "keheh", but the letter in the picture (bottom) looks like keh. --Erdal Ronahi 20:14, 18 rezber 2006 (UTC)
Yes, but doesn't the article and the table say it should be used? I have created Alfabeya kurdî ya erebî, please add everything you know about the letters.
[biguherîne] Kategorî
Rojbaş! Min dît, te kategorîyê ئیران xeyrand. Mera nikane hema wergî kategorîya bixeyrine. Spas. --Bangin çay ya qehwe? Min binirxîne! 18:13, 23 rezber 2006 (UTC)
- Ok. I want tell you, that you shouldn't change the categories, because the result of the changing is often a red link. --Bangin çay ya qehwe? Min binirxîne! 20:18, 23 rezber 2006 (UTC)
Ev rûpela guftûgo ye ji bo bikarhênerên nediyarkirî ku hîn hesabekî xwe çênekirine an jî bikarnaînin. Ji ber vê yekê divê em wan bi navnîşana IP ya hejmarî nîşan bikin. Navnîşaneke IP dikare ji aliyê gelek kesan ve were bikaranîn. Heger tu bikarhênerekî nediyarkirî bî û bawerdikî ku nirxandinên bê peywend di der barê te de hatine kirin ji kerema xwe re hesabekî xwe veke an jî têkeve Ensîklopediya Azad da ku tu xwe ji tevlîheviyên bi bikarhênerên din re biparêzî.