Bikarhêner nîqaş:Helpme
Ji Wîkîpediya
[biguherîne] Please contact me
If anyone can help me I would appreciate it. I need information about Zaxo in northern Kurdistan. Also if you do not know anything about Zaxo, maybe you can help me redirect my question to people that knows? Is there any local newpapers etc. in Zaxo that I can contact and so on...
email me at
--Helpme 21:02, 20 reşemî 2007 (UTC)
Is Zaxo in Northern Kurdistan? No! Zaxo in Southern Kurdistan (Irak) or "Kurdistana Başûr". Near to Turkey´s border. The people speak Kurmancî (a Kurdish dialect). A magical Adresse, "Google". Or you can search in Wikipedia. And i can not English:) -simply- --Bablekan 21:17, 20 reşemî 2007 (UTC) (mala bavê Îngîlîziya min, min herimand)
However i think you have already searched on internet her are some results on google search.
Because of i never been there personally all i can give that i can find on internet, and this you can do yourself.. and if search as "Zakho" may you can find more info on English. --Cyrus the virus