User talk:Jiayinte
Dhiworth Wikipedia, an godhoniador rydh
Beijing Giant translation Company is a professional company, which has devoted itself for the translation industry for about ten years. At present, this translation company has been ranked ahead in the Chinese translation companies for its convenient service to the clients in china and abroad. It has set up the branch companies. in Beijing and shanghai.
Dynnargh dhiso jy, Jiayinte! Meur ras a'th kevrohow dhe'n Wikipedi. Kosel y fydh pythow war an Wikipedi Gernewek, dre vras, hag yma pupprys spas dhe dus gwellhe ha lesa traow – yn py lytherennans pynag. Menyster an wiki ma ov vy, ytho roy dhymm notenn omma mars eus genes govynn a neb sort, ha gorthybi uskis orthis my a wra. Yma kevrennow troha folennow gweres yn tavosow erell omma. Yeghes da, ha wolkomm os'ta!
Dynargh dhyso jy, Jiayinte! Muer ras a'th kevrohow dhe'n Wykypedy. Cosel y fyth pythow war an Wykypedy Gernowek, dre vras, hag yma pupprys spas dhe dus gwellhe ha leja traow – yn py lytherednans pynag. Menyster an wyky ma of vy, ytho roy dhybm noten obma mars ues genes govyn a neb sort, ha gortheby uskys orthys my a wra. Yma kevrednow troha folednow gweres yn tavojow erell obma. Yaghes da, ha wolcum os'ta!