Líf and Lífthrasir
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- For other uses see LIF.
In Norse mythology, Líf and Lífthrasir (both relating to the word "Life") are the last human man and woman to survive Ragnarök, after which they will repopulate the world.
In Vafthrúdnismál, Odin poses a riddle to the giant Vafthrúdnir about who among humans will live through the Fimbulvetr, the great winter immediately preceding the final conflict of Ragnarök. The giant replies that Líf and Lífthrasir will take refuge in Hoddmímir's Forest and will nourish themselves with morning dew, and from them a new race of humans will descend. The identity of Hoddmímir remains speculative but includes a possible association with Mímir.
Snorri paraphrases the myth in Gylfaginning, stating that Líf and Lífthrasir will remain hidden during the "fire of Surtr" and that their offspring will be so numerous that the entire world will be repopulated.
Norse mythology | |
List of Norse gods | Æsir | Vanir | Giants | Elves | Dwarves | Troll | Valkyries | Einherjar | Norns | Odin | Thor | Freyr | Freyja | Loki | Balder | Týr | Yggdrasil | Ginnungagap | Ragnarök | |
Sources: Poetic Edda | Prose Edda | The Sagas | Volsung Cycle | Tyrfing Cycle | Rune stones | Old Norse language | Orthography | Later influence | |
Society: Viking Age | Skald | Kenning | Blót | Seid | Numbers | |
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