Laboratory of European Cultural Cooperation
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The Laboratory of European Cultural Cooperation (the LAB) is a pan-European initiative. It provides access to opportunities for transnational cultural cooperation and stimulates intercultural dialogue across Europe. The LAB will also develop innovative tools to achieve these aims.
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[edit] History
The LAB was initiated by the European Cultural Foundation (ECF) in 2004. In 2005, the LAB has begun to create a variety of initiatives and projects which cover the broader Europe:
[edit] Projects
1. A web portal on European cultural cooperation is currently being developed. The multilingual portal will deliver a practical service to artists, cultural practitioners, researchers, journalists and policymakers. It will have a varied portfolio and a unique geographical spread. The LAB portal aims to improve knowledge, information, debate and exchange on a vast number of topics related to European cultural cooperation.
2. Research Activities During 2004 the LAB had identified two topical research areas:
a) Mobility: Dynamics, Causes and Consequences in European Arts and Culture (prepared by the ERICarts Institute).
b) Cultural Components of European Foreign Policies (in consultation with independent experts).
3. Public European Space Project (project led and carried out by the Federal Agency for Civic Education, Germany (Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung, BPB) Production of a trans-European newsletter covering the political commentaries, feuilleton and cultural debates in (initially) 26 European states (25 European Union member states plus Switzerland), which also includes a part covering in-depth debates/documents, full texts and a library function.