Lars Lindberg Christensen
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Lars Lindberg Christensen is an author and a science communication specialist heading the Hubble European Space Agency Information Centre (HEIC) group in Munich, Germany where he is responsible for public outreach and education for the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope in Europe at the European Southern Observatory (ESO/ST-ECF).
He is Press Officer for the International Astronomical Union (IAU), manager of the ESA/ESO/NASA Photoshop FITS Liberator project, Education & Public Outreach Coordinator for the “European Virtual Observatory” and the Executive producer and director of the science documentary Hubble - 15 Years of Discovery.
Lars Lindberg Christensen has more than 100 publications to his credit, most of them in popular science communication and its theory. His other productive interests lie in the areas of graphical communication, written communication, technical communication and scientific communication. He has produced material for a multitude of different media from star shows, laser shows and slide shows, to web, print, TV and radio.
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[edit] Awards
- The Tycho Brahe Medal - 2005 - for his achievements in science communication.
[edit] Books By Christensen
- The Hands-On Guide for Science Communicators, Springer New York, 2006, ISBN 0-387-26324-1
- Hubble - 15 Years of Discovery, w. R. Fosbury, Springer New York, 2006, ISBN 0-387-28599-7
- Hubble: 15 Jahre auf Entdeckungsreise, w. R. Fosbury, Wiley, 2006, ISBN 3-527-40682-4
- Communicating Astronomy with the public 2005 Proceedings From the ESO/ESA/IAU Conference 14-17 June 2005, eds. I. Robson & L. L. Christensen, ESA/Hubble, 2006
- Hubble - Viidentoista vuoden löytöretki, w. R. Fosbury, Ursa, 2005, ISBN 952-5329-46-1
- Hubble – 15 Anos de Descoberta, w. R. Fosbury, Edições ASA, 2005, ISBN 972-41-4483-6
- Lysfænomener i Naturen, Høst & Søn, w. M. v.d. Poel and A. V. Olesen, 1998, ISBN 87-14-29462-1
[edit] Book translations By Christensen
- Gyldendals Store Himmelguide, Gyldendal, 2000
- Gyldendals bog om Vejret, Gyldendal, 1999
- Håndbog til Himlens Stjerner, Høst & Søn, 1998
- Stjernekigger, Høst & Søn, 1998
[edit] External links
- Homepage of Lars Lindberg Christensen
- The movie Hubble - 15 Years of Discovery
- European Virtual Observatory
- Hubble European Space Agency Information Centre (HEIC)
- IAU homepage
- Lysfænomener i Naturen
- Hubble – 15 Anos de Descoberta
- Hubble - Viidentoista vuoden löytöretki
- The Hands-On Guide for Science Communicators
- Hubble - 15 Years of Discovery
- Tycho Brahe Medal 2005
- Communicating Astronomy with the public 2005