Talk:Lar Gand
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Was it really the 13th century? -- Zoe
[edit] Should this page be renamed?
Currently, this page is titled "Mon-El," a name which has been discarded by the publishers for about ten years. The same character is now known by two different codenames, "M'Onel" and "Valor." The only name that is a constant for all versions of this character is his "real" name, "Lar Gand."
I propose moving the content to "Lar Gand" and edit the redirects in order to point there.
MCBastos 14:55, 2 Aug 2004 (UTC)
I disagree, Mon-el is *the* classic name of the character, the name by which he is overwhelmingly referred to in Legion fandom. In fact, the character is not known as either m'onel or valor right now, as legion continuity is in flux at the moment, but chances are, if he is reintroduced it will be with his classic name (the trend in DC policy being retro silver age lately). Changing the name of this article back to Mon-el would be a good idea as these articles should describe the characters in their historical context, not just in the context of their current status in the current comics. Mon-el is the character's name for the vast majority of his history, the article should reflect that. But then, I'm still rather annoyed that links for Triplicate Girl and Duo Damsel redirect to 'Triad' when she is now Triplicate Girl again in the comics...and I don't know how to undo redirects.*sigh*. (what can I say? I am a Legion purist. I strongly feel that all Legionnaires' main articles should be under their original codenames, as I want to give equal weight to Legion history as a whole, not merely the latest version happening now.) Plus, I just find it disrupts the look of the members of the legion category page to have all the silver age codenames with just 'lar gand' and 'triad' deviating! 'Triplicate Girl' and 'Mon-el' please! -luornuviolet.
- While I think of this character as "Mon-el", if we're going to be technical, that name has been retconned from existence. "Mon-el" was a name given to Lar Gand by pre-Crisis Superboy because the young Clark thought that Lar must have been his older brother. Since there never was a Superboy post-Crisis before the YJ clone-Superboy, this unfortunately could not be the origin of this character or the name. Post-Infinite Crisis, I'd say that the character's name is still up for debate. My hope is that we will see Lar in the 21st century, since there is no 30th-31st Century Legion.. at least not as we remember them. Docrailgun 13:58, 25 July 2006 (UTC)
Mon-El is now being Used again by the publisher, a la his reappearance in "Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes #23" I also propose renaming this article. NickVinson 12:35, 7 February 2007 (UTC)
[edit] Val-Yor
For what reason is this name included here? As far as I can tell, the Val-Yor character from the Teen Titans animated series has absolutely no connection to Lar Gand/Mon-El/M'onel/Valor except for a vague similarity in name. Is there something I'm missing? --Patrick T. Wynne 6 July 2005 19:54 (UTC)
I agree. The character doesn't really belong anywhere; the only similarity is a weak name match, and he isn't notable enough to have his own article. I've deleted the section. Apostrophe 02:16, 9 August 2005 (UTC)
- I have turned the redirect Val-Yor into its own page, referring to the Teen Titans character, to avoid the confusion. I also changed the redirect at Val Yor to point to Val-Yor. -Harmil 17:30, 1 February 2006 (UTC)
What is that bit about monel metal? Unless someone gives a source, I'm going to delete it, because I've never heard any evidence for it, and it seems to be a fan speculation (and not a very common one, at that). Ken Arromdee 02:56, 28 August 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Other websites....
Arent there other websites you could include for val yor there has to be