Talk:Legend (film)
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[edit] Legend of Zelda
About this part of the page, I found an older website that mentions the creator was inspired by the movie, as well as "the childhood fantasy of exploring the woods outside (one's) house". If you press ctrl-F and type in "origin of zelda", it'll take you down to that part of the site.
Maybe someone can edit this in somehow? I thought I'd mention this here before I write something else in myself. Thanks.
The first Zelda game was released in early 1986. The movie 1985. Production of the game would have started before the movie came out.
In terms of the very first game, the summary is: Link goes on adventure, Link fights Gannon, Link saves princess, then end. This is very much the cliched storyline of most adventure stories.
Hardly any similarities there, and if we wanted we could campare to Tolkien.
With Legend, there is a boy from the forrest, a fairy, a girl and the evil dude. This bares similarities to the 1998 version, but not the very first. You could say that the only real similarity is a forrest boy with a fairy, but it still follows much of the story line of the previous games.
So really, Navi the fairy is the only part that can be compared.
- I do not see why this is included as mention in the discussion of this film, as it's a non-issue and demonstrably, the videogame "Legend of Zelda" is not originative for the movie Legends, and the screenplay and movie were released before the videogame. I think this is a vapid attempt to popularise the videogame or arouse an old argument.
[edit] Tim Curry / Mia Sara costumes
I am the first to acknowledge how poorly received this film was, and how both Scott and Cruise do not care to mention it overmuch when discussing their respective careers, but I would like to comment upon one aspect of the production; the wonderful costuming of Curry and the later, "dark/goth" Mia Sara character.
Firstly, the Tim Curry/Lord of Darkness character realisation is fantastic - the animalism and implied physical power, whilst allowing Curry to convey some nuances of intelligence and depth.
Secondly, the frankly erotic and fetishist clothing worn by Sara as Princess Lili in the "courtship" scenes. I find it unusual that these images are not better known within certain sections of the 'net (unless I am unaware of the location of these sites - possible, but unlikely.)
- The original script was much more overt about the 'erotic' aspects and even had a sex scene between the 'Lord of Darkness' and Lili. Frankly, it would have made a much more interesting movie, but it was one of the darker aspects that was removed in rewrites. Mark Grant 02:11, 6 November 2006 (UTC)