Leibniz formula for determinants
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In algebra, the Leibniz formula expresses the determinant of a square matrix in terms of permutations of the matrix' elements. Named in honor of Gottfried Leibniz, the formula is
for an n×n matrix, where sgn is the sign function of permutations in the permutation group Sn, which returns +1 and –1 for even and odd permutations, respectively.
Another common notation used for the formula is in terms of the Levi-Civita symbol and makes use of the Einstein summation notation, where it becomes
which may be more familiar to physicists.
In the sequel, a proof of the equivalence of this formula to the conventional definition of the determinant in terms of expansion by minors is given.
Theorem. There exists exactly one function
which is alternate multilinear w.r.t. columns and such that F(I) = 1.
Let F be such a function, and let be an
matrix. Call Aj the j-th column of A, i.e.
, so that
Also, let Ek denote the k-th column vector of the identity matrix.
Now one writes each of the Aj's in terms of the Ek, i.e.
As F is multilinear, one has
As the above sum takes into account all the possible choices of ordered n-tuples , it can be expressed in terms of permutations as
Now one rearranges the columns of so that it becomes the identity matrix; the number of columns that need to be exchanged is exactly sgn(σ). Hence, thanks to alternance, one finally gets
as F(I) is required to be equal to 1.
Hence the determinant can be defined as the only function
which is alternate multilinear w.r.t. columns and such that det(I) = 1.