Leifs Hus
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[edit] The Mythology of Leif's Hus
The mythology of Leif's hus is a Norse religion concentrated around the belief of the Morene, Terje and Leif's Hus. The followers of the religion, known as Leif's lag, believe that the world is placed inside Leif's Hus. Leif's Hus is a giant house with many rooms created by the Morene and its almighty controller Terje. Our world is according to Leif's lag inside one of these rooms.
[edit] Personalities
Terje is the most mighty personality in the whole mythology as he is the controller or rider of the Morene. The Morene is a consentration of all the worlds elements, used to build the world and Leif's Hus. Terje has the power to use the morene to create and destroy whatever he wants, and for long times he also did so, but a long time ago he created what he said was the almost perfect world and calmed down. Terje then resigned and made the rest of the Morene to sircle around Leif's Hus, this part of the Morene is called the Side-Morene. Terje often visits our world, and when he does it is said that you can hear the noise of the Morene and Terje's laugh.
Leif, son of Bernt Albert, is the first prophet of the Morene and the person who first told the world about Terje.
1. piczo.com/leifshus
2. makk.no