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Lemmiwinks900 was born June 17, 1985 to parents.
[edit] Biography
I'm doing a BA in film & television studies. Which isn't a brain-dead course, as many people like to think just to demean us (the ones with the brains) to make themselves feel big (GRR at Emily). It requires a lot of technical know-how, directorial/use of mise-en-scene/editorial theories and you need smarts for most of the stuff we have to tackle.
Home is in Norfolk. Mostly filled with simpoltons, who are friendly enough but not much if you want a deep conversation. Still I have my friends there although we're all not as close as we used to be because we've grown and become interested in different things. Which bums me out in a way.
As for me? I'm a really hyperactive type of person and often have to be told to sit down and shut up. I guess my small stature and history of being bullied has rendered me amusing and/or entertaining. However, years of bad shit happening to me, an extremely clumsy way with things and an array of illnesses have left me vulnerable and susceptible to serious injury. Which in turn has made me VERY cynical. But it adds to my charm. I'm into piercings (I've got 14 of the blighters) but no tattoos. Yet. My hair has been every colour under the sun and changes frequently. It's good to experiment. I have several other bad habits apart from injuring myself. I also crack my neck and my knuckles, I chip my front teeth regularly and I can't stop being sarcastic or stop myself swearing. I've tried! My life revolves around four main things; films, music, art and literature. So I think it's safe to assume, I'm a fairly creative person. I like to draw attention to myself in public and crowded places, don't ask me why.
Ferrero Rocher pyramids of thanks to my friends (real and imaginary) for free tickets to gigs, (plus travel to and from those events and a place to crash after) and for decades of alcohol, laughs, pizzas and pharmaceuticals.
From now on, I will not consult the careers advisor when considering world domination.
Music - more of a religion than any REAL religion is to me, in particular, ska-punk.
Art - an expression of myself and I like to draw naughty things.
Sega Mega Drive.
Films - are currently my life.
Offensive cartoons.
Japanese culture.
Red nail varnish.
Books - are more than a good doorstop.
Walking into the road without looking.
Jack Daniels.
Comedy - the majority of my heroes are comedians and I just love it.
Languages - I know 1 fluently (English), 3 semi-fluently (French, German & Spanish), I can greet people and stuff in several other languages and I want to learn Welsh and Japanese.
Drama/theatre studies - you can get away with so much damn crap and being cheeky, because you're an attention-seeking drama fag.
Random facts.
[edit] Random fact
I have the same plates as Susan from Neighbours.
This user lives in Norfolk, bootiful. |
This user is proud to be Welsh. |
LH ↠|
This user is a southpaw. |
This user enjoys ska. |
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This user is a NOFX fan.