Leonov (fictional spacecraft)
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The Cosmonaut Alexei Leonov is a fictional Soviet spaceship in the novel 2010: Odyssey Two, and its film adaptation 2010: The Year We Make Contact.
In the book Leonov is described as being equipped with a Sakharov drive, a new method of propulsion that makes it possible for the craft to make a round-trip to Jupiter. The craft also uses a large heatshield to aerobrake in Jupiter's outer atmosphere saving fuel. In the movie, the Leonov has a large ballute in place of the heatshield. In recognition of Alexei Leonov, after whom the craft is named, there is a framed painting by the cosmonaut in the mess room.
In the film the Leonov is shown to have a large rotating mid-section providing artificial gravity. On the other hand in the book it is noted that the Russian astronauts view gravity as more or less a luxury and the Leonov does not have artificial gravity. It is also joked that the Soviets intended to call the craft Titov, but he somehow fell out of political favor.
The model of the Leonov for the film was designed by Syd Mead.
The Omega class destroyer from Babylon 5 shares a number of design similarities to the Leonov, particularly the rotating midsection.
The Space Odyssey series | |
Films | 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) | 2010: The Year We Make Contact (1984) |
Novels | 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) | 2010: Odyssey Two (1982) | 2061: Odyssey Three (1987) | 3001: The Final Odyssey (1997) |
Comics | 2001: A Space Odyssey (1976) |
Short stories | "The Sentinel" (written 1948, first published 1951 as "Sentinel of Eternity") |
Characters | HAL 9000 | David Bowman | Dr. Chandra | Walter Curnow | Heywood Floyd | Frank Poole |
Vehicles | Discovery One | EVA Pod | Leonov | Orion III | Aries Ib | Space Station V |
Locations | Earth | Moon | Clavius Base | Tycho | Jupiter | Europa | Io | Ganymede | Saturn | Iapetus |
Cast | Keir Dullea | John Lithgow | Gary Lockwood | Helen Mirren | Douglas Rain | Roy Scheider | William Sylvester | Leonard Rossiter | Margaret Tyzack |
Crew/creators | Arthur C. Clarke | Peter Hyams | Jack Kirby | Stanley Kubrick |
Interpretations | Interpretations of 2001: A Space Odyssey |
Music | Alex North's 2001: A Space Odyssey |