Les Rallizes Denudes
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Les Rallizes Denudes (also known as Hadaka no Rallizes) are an influential, yet reclusive Japanese psychedelic noise band. They were formed in 1967, and the band was known for their ties to avant-garde theater groups (as typified by Shuji Terayama's troupe) and leftist political groups, as well as for their feedback-drenched live shows and use of strobe lights and mirror balls onstage, which earned them comparisons to the Velvet Underground. Very few albums by the band have been released, and all that have all been in very limited edition.
The band's style is typified by simple, repeated bass lines and shrieking guitar feedback. Reminiscent of The Temptations' My Girl overlayed with Keiji Haino.
In 1970, Les Rallizes Denudes member Wakabayashi was involved to some degree in the hijacking of a Boeing 727 orchestrated by the Japanese Red Army. Singer Takashi Mizutani was allegedly offered a role in the hijacking but turned it down.
The last known appearance of any member of the band was in 1997, when Mizutani was seen performing onstage in Tokyo with free jazz legend Arthur Doyle.
[edit] Select Discography
Oz Days Live (2xLP, Oz, 1973)
67-69 Studio et Live (CD, SIXE-0101, 1991)
Mizutani-Les Rallizes Denudes (CD, SIXE-0203, 1991)
77 Live (2xCD, SIXE-0400, 1991)
Les Rallizes Denudes (Video, Ethan Mousik co, ltd, 1992)
Etcetera vol 2. (7" single + magazine, 1996