Linda Harasim
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Professor Linda Harasim holds a Ph.D. in educational theory from the University of Toronto and has been active for over a decade in researching educational applications of computer networking. She has designed, implemented, and evaluated networking applications in Canada, the U.S., and Latin America.
Dr. Harasim is currently a professor of the School of Communication, Faculty of Applied Sciences, at Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, British Columbia. She is also leading the Virtual-U Project, one of the first networked multimedia learning systems in the world that is customized for course delivery and course enhancement at all levels of education.
Contents |
[edit] Degrees
- B.A., University of Alberta
- M.A., University of Alberta
- Ph.D., University of Toronto
[edit] Books
- Harasim, L., Hiltz, R., Teles, L., and Turoff, M. Learning Networks: A Field Guide to Teaching & Learning Online. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1995.
- Harasim, Linda. (Ed.). Global Networks: Computers and Communication. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1993.
- Harasim, Linda. (Ed.). Online Education: Perspectives on a New Environment. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1990.
- Harasim, Linda and Johnson, E. Marcia. Educational applications of computer networks. Toronto: Ontario Ministry of Education Press, 1986.
[edit] Book chapters
- Harasim, Linda. Networlds: Networks as Social Space. In L. Harasim (Ed.) (1993). Global Networks: Computers and International Communication. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1993.
- Harasim, Linda (1993). Global Networks. In L. Harasim (Ed.) (1993). Global Networks: Computers and International Communication. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
- Harasim, Linda and Smith, Dorothy. Making Connections, Thinking Change Together: Women Teachers and Computer Networks. In P. Bourne (Ed.) (1993). Feminism and Education. A Canadian Perspective , Volume 2. Toronto: OISE Press, 1993.
- Harasim, Linda. Foreword: Towards the Electronic University. In M. Paulsen's, From Bulletin Boards to Electronic Universities: Distance Education, Computer-Mediated Communication, and Online Education. ACSDE Research Monograph, Pennsylvania State University, 1992.
- Harasim, Linda. Online education: An environment for collaboration and intellectual amplification. In L. Harasim (Ed.) Online education: Perspectives on a new environment , (39-66). New York: Praeger Publishers, 1990.
- Harasim, Linda. Bibliography on educational CMC. In L. Harasim (Ed.) Online education: Perspectives on a new environment, (229-264) New York: Praeger Publishers, 1990.
- Harasim, Linda. Online education: A new domain. In R. Mason & T.Kaye (Eds.) Mindweave: Computers, communications and distance education, (pp.50-62) Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1989.
- Referred Articles
- Harasim, Linda. Shift Happens: Online Education as a New Paradigm in Learning,Internet and Higher Education: Special Issue. UK: Elsevier Science 3 (2000): 41-61.
- Harasim, Linda. Computer Networking for Education.In T. Husen, and T.N. Postlethwaite, (Eds.). The International Encyclopedia of Education, 2nd Edition. Oxford, U.K: Pergamon Press, 1994.
- Riel, M. and Harasim, L. Research Perspectives on Network Learning Environments. Journal of Man-Machine Learning, 4(2&3), 91-114, 1994.
- Harasim, Linda. Collaborating in Cyberspace: Using Computer Conferences as a Group Learning Environment. Interactive Learning Environments , 3 (2), 119-130, 1993.
- Harasim, Linda and Winkelmans, Tim. Computer-mediated scholarly collaboration: A case study of an international online workshop. Knowledge: Creation, Diffusion, Utilization, 11(4), 382-409, 1990.
- Harasim, Linda. Teaching and learning on-line: Issues in designing computer-mediated graduate courses. Canadian Journal of Educational Communications, 16(2), 1987.
- Harasim, Linda. (Computer learning networks: Educational applications of computer conferencing. Journal of Distance Education, 1(1), 59-70, 1986.
- Harasim, Linda and Johnson, E. Marcia. Computer conferencing and online education: Designing for the medium. Canadian Journal for Information Science, Winter, 1986.
[edit] Articles in professional journals/publications
- Harasim, Linda.The Canadian TeleLearning Research Network.In A. Stahmer, L. Van den Brande, & T. Riveste, (Eds.), New Media Learning Technologies: Perspectives on Developing an International Collaboration for Flexible and Distance Learning. The Canada-European Union Workshop, Industry Canada, 1994.
- Harasim, L. and Teles, L. Developing The Virtual Interactive Environment For Workgroups. In A. Stahmer, L. Van den Brande, & T. Riveste, (Eds.), New Media Learning Technologies: Perspectives on Developing an International Collaboration for Flexible and Distance Learning. The Canada-European Union Workshop, Industry Canada 1994.
- Harasim, Linda. Network Learning: A new paradigm for education. IMPACT: Global Education Issue. New York State Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 1992
- Hargreaves, Anna and Harasim, Linda. Nets work in education: The electronic classroom. EDU, Spring, 1986.
- Conference Proceedings
- Harasim, L. First Steps in Multimedia Telecommunications: Using ISDN for Educational Delivery. Proceedings of the Pacific Telecommunications Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1993.
- Harasim, L. CMC and Project-Oriented Cooperative Work. Proceedings of the Nordic Electronic Networking Conference, Norway, pp. 133-138, 1991.
- Harasim, L. Teaching by Computer Conferencing. Proceedings from an International Symposium on Computer Conferencing, Ohio State University, June. pp. 25-34, 1991.
- Harasim, L. Designs and tools to augment collaboration in computerized conferencing systems. Proceedings of the Hawaiian International Conference on Systems Science, Vol. IV, Organizational Systems and Technology Track, edited by Jay Nunamaker and Ralph Sprague, pp. 379-385, 1991.
- Harasim, L. Computer-mediated communication and collaborative learning. Proceedings of the Conference on Collaborative Learning in Higher Education, Indiana University, October, 1990.
[edit] Interviews
- "Speaking Personally with Linda Harasim" by Greg Kearsley, published in The American Journal of Distance Education, Vol 7, No. 3, 1993.
[edit] External links
- Faculty page at Simon Fraser University
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