Lion-Maru G
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Lion-Maru G (ライオン丸G Raionmaru Jī?) is a Japanese tokusatsu series that began airing from 2006-10-01 to 2006-11-24 in Japan, lasting 13 episodes. It is the third part in the Lion-Maru trilogy, following Kaiketsu Lion-Maru and Fuun Lion-Maru. The "G" is short for ghetto. This Lion-Maru is "the Beast Transformed Gigolo Warrior."
This series follows the story of the reincarnated Lion-Maru and Tiger Joe from the original Kaiketsu Lion-Maru. The story is set in the year 2011 in Neo-Kabukichō, a fictitious version of the real red light district of Shinjuku, Tokyo.
Contents |
[edit] Characters
- Shishimaru (獅子丸?)
- Shishimaru is the reincarnation of the original Lion-Maru (ライオン丸 Raionmaru?) and the third human to use the power of Lion-Maru. This version of Shishimaru is very different from the original, he is not as serious as his former self. More of a "happy-go-lucky" person, he acts wild and crazy, hits on girls and generally leads a very different lifestyle. He is a bit of a coward, as seen in episode one, he only unsheathes the Kinsachi (キンサチ?) (the sword that allows him to transform into Lion-Maru) as a final act of desperation. He owns a modified Suzuki Burgman that he calls "Hikarimaru," the name of the Pegasus ridden by Lion-Maru in Kaiketsu Lion-Maru. After the end of the series, he takes Kinsachi and Ginsachi and leaves Neo-Kabukichō.
- Jonosuke Tora (虎 錠之介 Tora Jōnosuke?)
- Jonosuke is the reincarnation of the original Tiger Joe (タイガージョー Taigā Jō?). Not much is known about him yet, but he remains somewhat like his former self. He is still very much the "rival" type character of the series and acts cold towards other people. Transforms with the mysterious sword Ginsachi (ギンサチ?). He sacrifices himself to defeat Gousan.
- Saori (サオリ?)
- Saori is a mizu shobai girl who works in Neo-Kabukichō. She is very similar to the original Saori. She helps the new Lion-Maru. After the end of the series, she became a nun and it is revealed that she is pregnant with Jonosuke's child.
- Kosu K (コスK Kosu Kei?)
- Kosu K is a 14 year old girl, and Saori's younger sister. Her real name is Kaori. She is the counterpart to Kosuke (小助?) from the original series. Oddly enough, in the original series, Kosuke was the 8 year old brother of Saori. After the end of the series, she becomes an author of non-fiction with the stories of Shishimaru as Lion-Maru G.
- Kashinkoji (果心居士?)
- Kashinkoji is an old homeless man who gives Shishimaru the Kinsachi, the sword that allows him to transform into Lion-Maru. He seems to know a lot about how the Lion-Maru powers work. At the end of the series, he fights Gousan to the death, but ultimately loses.
- Junior (ジュニア Junia?)
- Junior is the Junior CEO of the Gousan Enterprises, to which Shishimaru owes money. His real name is still unknown. He is a hardcore cosplayer and seems that all his costumes are hand-made by himself. Calls Gousan "Papa" but it's unknown if there's any relation.
- Gousan (豪山 Gōsan?)
- Gousan is the boss of Gousan Enterprises. He creates the Skull Eyes, red contact lenses with strange powers. He seems to know a lot about Kinsachi and Ginsachi. Gousan is a similar name to the original Gosun (ゴースン Gōsun?).
- Kagemaru/Shishitora (真影/シシトラ?)
- He is hired by Gousan Enterprises to attack Shishimaru and Jonosuke. In the process, he steals both Kinsachi and Ginsachi, and when the other two attempt to retrieve the swords, Kagemaru transforms into Lion-Tiger (ライオンタイガー Raiontaigā?). He is later defeated when his Skull Eyes wear off.
[edit] Episodes
- 2011 Neo-Kabukichō, Lion-Maru Transformed, Jōtai! (2011 NEO歌舞伎町 ライオン丸TRANSFORMED状態! 2011 Neo Kabukichō Raionmaru TRANSFORMED Jōtai!?)
- Tiger Joe Comes, Undercover Samurai, Jōtai! (タイガーJOE推参 UNDERCOVER SAMURAI状態! Taigā JOE Suisan UNDERCOVER SAMURAI Jōtai!?)
- Fake Skull Eye Incident Occurance, Trouble Addict, Jōtai! (偽スカルアイ事件発生 TROUBLE ADDICT状態! Nise Sukaruai Jiken Hassei TROUBLE ADDICT Jōtai!?)
- Darkness Ninja Shadow Appearance! Shishimaru Betrayal, Jōtai! (闇忍者シャドー出現! 獅子丸URAGIRI状態! Yami Ninja Shadō Shutsugen! Shishimaru URAGIRI Jōtai!?)
- Lion-Maru vs. Tiger Joe Confrontation! Becoming Sharp, Jōtai! (ライオン丸VSタイガージョー決風! 鋭くなって状態! Raionmaru VS Taigā Jō Keppū! Surudoku Natte Jōtai!?)
- Saori Counters Love! Love is Drunken Hearted, Jōtai! (サオリ発愛! 恋はDRUNKEN HEARTED状態! Saori Hatsuai! Koi wa DRUNKEN HEARTED Jōtai!?)
- Furious Lion-Maru! Joe Cramp Discharger, Jōtai! (怒髪ライオン丸! JOE CRAMP DISCHARGER状態! Dohatsu Raionmaru! JOE CRAMP DISCHARGER Jōtai!?)
- Pantheress Appearance! Yokohama Memories in My Head, Jōtai! (女豹登場! 横浜OMOIDE IN MY HEAD状態! Mehyō Tōjō! Yokohama OMOIDE IN MY HEAD Jōtai!?)
- The Fate of the Selected People! Destruction Baby, Jōtai! (選ばれし者たちの運命! DESTRUCTION BABY状態! Erabareshi Monotachi no Sadame! DESTRUCTION BABY Jōtai!?)
- Love Attack Curry! Saori Breast Festival, Jōtai! (ラブアタックカレー! サオリPAIOTSU MATSURI状態! Rabu Attakku Karē! Saori PAIOTSU MATSURI Jōtai!?)
- Monster Comes! Its Name is Lion-Tiger ShishiTora, Jōtai! (怪人光臨! その名もLION-TIGER獅子虎状態! Kaijin Kōrin! Sono Na mo LION-TIGER ShishiTora Jōtai!?)
- The Previous Night of Battle! Everybody is Crazy, Jōtai! (決戦前夜! えぶりぼでぃ誰もがCRAZY状態! Kessen Zenya! Eburibodi Daremo ga CRAZY Jōtai!?)
- Explosion City is Full of Winds! I Love you, Sayonara, Jōtai! (爆裂シティは風だらけ! I Love you, SAYONARA状態! Bakuretsu Siti wa Kaze Darake! I Love you, SAYONARA Jōtai!?)
Some of these episode titles are puns on the songs of a Japanese rock band, Number Girl.
[edit] Cast
- Shishimaru - Kazuki Namioka (波岡 一喜 Namioka Kazuki?)
- Jonosuke - Yasuomi Ohta (大田 恭臣 Ōta Yasuomi?)
- Saori - Emi Kobayashi (小林 恵美 Kobayashi Emi?)
- Kosu K - Asami Oda (小田 あさ美 Oda Asami?)
- Kashinkoji - Taka Okubo (大久保 鷹 Ōkubo Taka?)
- Junior - Kenichi Endo (遠藤 憲一 Endō Ken'ichi?)
- Gousan - Renji Ishibashi (石橋 蓮司 Ishibashi Renji?)
[edit] Music
- Opening Theme
- "Oh Wind, Oh Light" (風よ光よ Kaze yo Hikari yo?) by Akira Kushida (串田 アキラ Kushida Akira?)
- Closing Themes
- "Bird" (鳥 Tori?) by angela (Episodes 1 & 2)
- "Game of Life" (人生遊戯 Jinsei Yūgi?) by angela (Episodes 3-12)
- "Oh Wind, Oh Light" (風よ光よ Kaze yo Hikari yo?) by Akira Kushida (串田 アキラ Kushida Akira?) (Episode 13)
[edit] External links
- StarChild:ライオン丸G (Lion-Maru G's official website)
Preceded by Fuun Lion-Maru |
Lion-Maru 2006 |
Succeeded by N/A |