Lisa de Moraes
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Lisa de Moraes is a noted television columnist. Her writings, titled "The TV Column," appear regularly (but not on any particular schedule) in the Style section of The Washington Post.
As opposed to a TV critic such as the Post's Tom Shales, de Moraes's columns deal mainly with the business of television, such as scheduling. Her columns are written in a distinctively irreverent tone; they usually strongly imply her opinions on the subject matter. Trademarks of her Post writings include her weekly rundown of ratings "Winners and Losers", her "We Watch So You Don't Have To" recaps (for example American Idol), and her tendency to address others (and for others to address her) as "Pookie" in her weekly live chats.
De Moraes is generally critical of the Bush administration and conservative groups in general, particularly in regards to the FCC's crackdown on indecency and the January 2005 Postcards from Buster controversy regarding the inclusion of lesbian parents on the children's program.
Before joining the Post in 1998, de Moraes served for nearly ten years as TV editor for The Hollywood Reporter.
[edit] External links
- The TV Column
- Sample column: "PBS's 'Buster' Gets An Education"
- Sample chat, including short bio
- Slate article on de Moraes: "Straight From the Spleen" by Jack Shafer