List of Book of Mormon people
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This list is intended as a quick reference for individuals mentioned in The Book of Mormon.
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[edit] Notation
Names with superscripts (e.g., Nephi1) are numbered according to the index in the LDS edition of The Book of Mormon.[1] (Missing indices indicate people in the index who are not in The Book of Mormon. For instance, Aaron1 is the biblical Aaron, brother of Moses.)
- Bold type indicates the person was an important religious figure, such as a prophet or a missionary.
- Italic type indicates the person was a king, chief judge or other ruler
- Underlined type indicates the person was a historian or record keeper; one whose writing (abridged or not) is included in The Book of Mormon
- Combined typefaces indicate combined roles. For example, bold italic indicates an individual was both a religious and secular leader.
[edit] A
- Aaron2, descendant of Heth, Jaredite king
- Aaron3, son of Mosiah2, Nephite missionary
- Aaron4, Lamanite king (ca AD 330)
- Abinadi, Nephite prophet sent to people of Lehi-Nephi - converted Alma1(ca 150 BC)
- Abinadom, son of Chemish, Nephite historian
- Abish, Lamanite woman, servant of Lamoni's wife
- Aha, Nephite military officer (ca 80 BC)
- Ahah, son of Seth2, Jaredite king
- Akish, son of Kimnor, Jaredite king
- Alma1, Nephite prophet (ca 173-91 BC)
- Alma2, son of Alma1, known as Alma the Younger. Nephite prophet and first chief judge (ca 100-73 BC).
- Amaleki1, Nephite record keeper (ca 130 BC)
- Amaleki2, seeker of Zeniff's people (ca 121 BC)
- Amalickaiah, Nephite traitor who becomes king of the Lamanites and wars with Nephites - killed by Teancum(ca 70 BC)
- Amaron, son of Omni, Nephite record keeper
- Aminadab, Nephite dissenter living among the Lamanites - reconverted by Nephi2 and Lehi4 (ca 30 BC)
- Aminadi, descendant of Nephi1
- Amlici, Nephite dissenter (ca 87 BC)
- Ammah, Nephite missionary, companion of Aaron3
- Ammaron, Nephite record keeper (ca AD 306)
- Ammon1, leader of expedition to land of Nephi (ca 121 BC)
- Ammon2, son of Mosiah2, missionary to the Lamanites, becomes chief judge in land of Jershon to Anti-Nephi-Lehites (ca 100 BC)
- Ammoron, Nephite traitor, brother of Amalickiah, king of Lamanites after Amalikiah's death - killed by Teancum (ca 66-61 BC)
- Amnigaddah, son of Aaron2, Jaredite king
- Amnor1, Nephite spy in Amlicite campaign(ca 87 BC)
- Amos1, son of Nephi4, Nephite record keeper (ca 110-194)
- Amos2, son of Amos1, Nephite record keeper (ca 194-306)
- Amulek, son of Giddonah, Nephite missionary, companion of Alma2
- Amulon, priest of King Noah, tributary Nephite monarch of Land of Helam
- Anti-Nephi-Lehi, brother of Lamoni, king of converted Lamanites
- Antiomno, Lamanite king of land of Middoni.
- Antionah, ruler in Ammonihah
- Antionum, Nephite commander (ca AD 385)
- Antipus, Nephite commander in city of Judea.(ca 65 BC)
[edit] B
- Benjamin, known as King Benjamin, Nephite prophet and king (ca 120 BC)
- Brother of Jared, brother of Jared2, Jaredite prophet
[edit] C
- Captain Moroni, see Moroni1
- Cezoram, Eighth Nephite chief judge (ca 30 BC)
- Chemish, son of Omni, Nephite record keeper
- Christ, see Jesus Christ
- Cohor1, son of Noah2
- Cohor2, early Jaredite king
- Cohor3, late Jaredite
- Com1, early Jaredite king, son of Coriantum1
- Com2, late Jaredite king
- Corianton, son of Alma2
- Coriantor, late Jaredite, son of Moron
- Coriantum1, early Jaredite king, son of Emer
- Coriantum2, middle Jaredite, son of Amnigaddah
- Coriantum3, early Jaredite, son of Omer
- Coriantumr1, Jaredite king, last Jaredite survivor
- Coriantumr2, Nephite apostate, commander of Lamanite forces
- Corihor1, son of Kib, early Jaredite
- Corihor2, late Jaredite
- Corom, middle Jaredite king, son of Levi2
- Cumenihah, Nephite commander (ca AD 385)
[edit] E
- Emer, early Jaredite king
- Emron, Nephite soldier
- Enos2, son of Jacob, Nephite prophet and record keeper
- Esrom, early Jaredite
- Ethem, later Jaredite king
- Ether, Jaredite prophet and record keeper
- Ezias, prophet
[edit] G
- Gadianton, chief of Gadianton robbers (ca 50 BC)
- Gid, Nephite military officer (ca 63 BC)
- Giddianhi, chief of Gadianton robbers (ca AD 16-21)
- Giddonah1, Amulek's father
- Giddonah2, high priest in Gideon (ca 75 BC)
- Gideon, Nephite patriot (ca 145-91 BC)
- Gidgiddonah, Nephite commander (ca AD 385)
- Gidgiddoni, Nephite commander (ca AD 16)
- Gilead, Jaredite military commander
- Gilgah, early Jaredite
- Gilgal, Nephite commander (ca AD 385)
[edit] H
- Hagoth, Nephite shipbuilder (ca 55 BC)
- Hearthom, early Jaredite king
- Helam, convert from the people of Noah2 (ca 147 BC). First of those baptized by Alma1
- Helaman1, son of Benjamin (ca 130 BC)
- Helaman2, eldest son of Alma2, prophet and military commander - sixth Nephite chief judge (ca 74-56 BC)
- Helaman3, eldest son of Helaman2
- Helem, brother of Ammon2
- Helorum, son of Benjamin (ca 130 BC)
- Hem, brother of Ammon2
- Heth1, early Jaredite
- Heth2, middle Jaredite
- Himni, son of Mosiah2 (ca 100-74 BC)
[edit] I
- Isabel, harlot in land of Siron (ca 73 BC)
- Isaiah2, one of twelve Nephite disciples (ca AD 34)
- Ishmael1, an Ephraimite from Jerusalem (ca 600 BC)
- Ishmael2, grandfather of Amulek
[edit] J
- Jacob2, son of Lehi1, Nephite prophet and record keeper
- Jacob3, Nephite apostate (ca 64 BC)
- Jacob4, Nephite apostate (ca 29-30 BC)
- Jacom, son of Jared2, early Jaredite
- Jared2, founder of Jaredites
- Jared3, early Jaredite king
- Jarom, son of Enos2, Nephite record keeper
- Jeneam, Nephite commander (ca AD 385)
- Jeremiah2, one of twelve Nephite disciples (ca AD 34)
- Jesus Christ, Savior and Redeemer
- Jonas1, son of Nephi3, one of twelve Nephite disciples (ca AD 34)
- Jonas2, one of twelve Nephite disciples (ca AD 34)
- Joseph2, son of Lehi1 (ca 595 BC)
- Josh, Nephite commander (ca AD 385)
[edit] K
- Kib, early Jaredite king
- Kim, Jaredite king
- Kimnor, early Jaredite
- King Benjamin (see Benjamin)
- Kish, Jaredite king
- Kishkumen, leader of robbers
- Korihor, an antichrist (ca 74 BC)
- Kumen, one of twelve Nephite disciples (ca AD 34)
- Kumenonhi, one of twelve Nephite disciples (ca AD 34)
[edit] L
- Laban, custodian of the brass plates (ca 600 BC)
- Lachoneus1, Nephite chief judge (ca AD 1)
- Lachoneus2, son of Lachoneus1, Nephite chief judge (ca AD 29-30)
- Lamah, Nephite commander (ca AD 385)
- Laman1, eldest son of Lehi1 (ca 600 BC)
- Laman2, Lamanite king (ca 200 BC)
- Laman3, son of Laman2 (ca 178 BC)
- Laman4, Nephite soldier
- Lamoni, Lamanite king converted by Ammon2
- Leck, Glen, Master Musician
- Lehi1, Hebrew prophet who led his followers to promised land in western hemisphere(c. 600 B.C.), father of Laman, Lemuel and Nephi1, samuel
- Lehi2, son of Zoram2, possibly same as Lehi3.
- Lehi3, Nephite military commander
- Lehi4, son of Helaman2, Nephite missionary
- Lehonti, Lamanite officer (ca 72 BC)
- Lemuel, second son of Lehi1
- Levi2, middle Jaredite king
- Lib1, middle Jaredite king
- Lib2, late Jaredite king
- Limhah, Nephite commander (ca AD 385)
- Limher, Nephite soldier (ca 87 BC)
- Limhi, son of Noah3, third Nephite king in land of Lehi-Nephi(ca 121 BC)
[edit] M
- Mahah, son of Jared3
- Manti, Nephite soldier (ca 87 BC)
- Mathoni, one of twelve Nephite disciples (ca AD 34)
- Mathonihah, one of twelve Nephite disciples (ca AD 34)
- Morianton1, Jaredite king
- Morianton2, founder of the Nephite city of Morianton
- Mormon1, father of Mormon2
- Mormon2, abridger of the Nephite record
- Moron, late Jaredite king
- Moroni1, known as Captain Moroni, Nephite military commander (ca 99-56 BC)
- Moroni2, son of Mormon2, Nephite prophet
- Moronihah1, son of Moroni1, Nephite general (ca 60 BC)
- Moronihah2, Nephite general who perished at the battle of Cumorah, along with his ten-thousand (ca 385 AD)
- Mosiah1, Nephite prophet and king, father of King Benjamin
- Mosiah2, son of King Benjamin, Nephite prophet and king (ca 154-91 BC)
- Mulek, son of Jewish king Zedekiah
- Muloki, Nephite missionary
[edit] N
- Nehor2, Nephite apostate (ca 91 BC)
- Nephi1, son of Lehi1
- Nephi2, son of Helaman2 - seventh Nephite chief judge
- Nephi3, son of Nephi2
- Nephi4, son of Nephi3
- Nephihah, Second Nephite chief judge (ca 83 BC)
- Neum, Hebrew prophet quoted by Nephi1
- Nimrah, son of Akish, Jaredite
- Noah2, son of Corhihor, early Jaredite king
- Noah3, son of Zeniff, Nephite king
[edit] O
- Omer, early Jaredite king
- Omner, son of Mosiah2
- Omni, son of Jarom, Nephite record keeper
- Orihah, first Jaredite king
[edit] P
- Paanchi, son of Pahoran1 (ca 52 BC)
- Pachus, king of Nephite dissenters (ca 61 BC)
- Pacumeni, son of Pahoran1 fifth Nephite chief judge(ca 52 BC)
- Pagag, son of brother of Jared2
- Pahoran1, son of Nephihah, third Nephite chief judge (ca 68 BC)
- Pahoran2, son of Pahoran1, fourth Nephite chief judge, killed by Kishkumen (ca 52 BC)
[edit] R
- Riplakish, Jaredite king
[edit] S
- Sam, third son of Lehi1 (ca 600 BC)
- Samuel2, Lamanite prophet (ca 6 BC)
- Sariah, wife of Lehi1 (ca 600 BC)
- Seantum, member of Gadianton band (ca 23 BC)
- Seezoram, member of Gadianton band, tenth known Nephite chief judge (ca 26 BC)
- Seth2, son of Shiblon1, Jaredite
- Shem2, Nephite commander (ca AD 385)
- Shemnon, one of twelve Nephite disciples (ca AD 34)
- Sherem, an antichrist (ca fifth century BC)
- Shez1, middle Jaredite king
- Shez2, son of Shez1
- Shiblom1, late Jaredite king
- Shiblom2, Nephite commander (ca AD 385)
- Shiblon, son of Alma2, Nephite missionary
- Shiz, Jaredite military leader
- Shule, early Jaredite king
[edit] T
- Teancum, Nephite military leader (ca 67 BC)
- Teomner, Nephite military officer (ca 63 BC)
- Timothy, brother of Nephi2, one of twelve Nephite disciples (ca AD 34)
- Tubaloth, Lamanite king (ca 51 BC)
[edit] Z
- Zarahemla, descendant of Mulek, leader of Mulek's colony
- Zedekiah2, one of twelve Nephite disciples (ca AD 34)
- Zeezrom, Nephite lawyer, Converted by Alma2 and Amulek (ca 82 BC)
- Zemnarihah, leader of Gadianton band (ca AD 21)
- Zenephi, Nephite commander (ca AD 400)
- Zeniff, Nephite king (ca 200 BC)
- Zenock, prophet of Israel
- Zenos, prophet of Israel
- Zerahemnah, Lamanite commander (ca 74 BC)
- Zeram, Nephite military officer (ca 87 BC)
- Zoram1, servant of Laban (ca 600 BC)
- Zoram2, Nephite chief captain (ca 81 BC)
- Zoram3, Nephite apostate (ca 74 BC)